The Palouse, viewed from Steptoe Butte
Nov 03 2014 at 8:14am EST
The Palouse is in Southeast Washington. It's original naming is not clear, but the word Palouse (in French), ,means "land with short and thick grass" or "lawn." Steptoe Butte is a quartzite island jutting out of the silty loess of the Palouse hills in Whitman County, Washington. The rock forming it is over 400 million years old, in contrast with the 15–7 million year old Columbia River Basalts that underlie the rest of the Palouse. (Courtest of Wikipedia). Steptoe Butte thrusts almost 1000 feet above the surrounding terrain of the Palouse.
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This is so pretty! *Bigsmile*
Like Jul 21, 2016 at 12:34am