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Rated: E · Poetry · None · #2333471
Free verse poem, a rough sketch/outline of the original Star Wars IV: A New Hope plot
Raised in the hot land center of sand
Not looking for pity he went to the city
Without a permit he took a hermit
A Jedi Master made his trip much faster.
Like foreign Medina into Mos Eisley Cantina
A place one avoids for they serve no droids,
Future Carbonite wrapped in, they got a captain,
And oh wow looky, a big furry Wookie!
Chewbacca it seems, with scary eye beams
Co-pilot of Falcon, unique way of talkin'.
A bad gang-banger ambush in the hanger
Captain firing from the hip he climbs in the ship.
>From docking bay 94 to the Galactic Core,
But there's no Alderaan the war has began.
So the ship turns 'round, her captain still bound
With bounty on his head, he could soon be dead
Pay Jabba the Hutt, with big bloated gut
Who hired great Fett, this is one big debt,
He's got to hide so his time he'll bide.
Force to Obi-Wan hokey religion to Han
But learning is Luke it isn't a fluke
A targeting droid it's bolts he'll avoid
He uses the force cause within is the source.
Troublesome hellions they join the Rebellion
To rescue the princess from this big mess.
Now on the Death Star they've come very far
Cell block one-one-three-eight transfer has to wait.
The man is suspicious then boys get vicious.
Luke sees Leia as best but it's incest
Too short for a trooper then they get in the pooper.
C3PO gets them out after many a shout
On the way out Obi-Wan in a bout.
Vader is here but old Ben has no fear.
With flashing light sabres and intensive labors
The two men fight in shimmering light.
The problem absolves as Ben dissolves,
Vadar has won the battle is done
Nothing left but a cape, the others escape.
Away from the station a troubled migration
Away the ship flies and Luke then cries.
A powerful burst, destroyed is the first,
They think they're free but soon they'll see
The Emperor's many hands, he has new plans.
So on to part two that's what we'll do.
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