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Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #2333701
A police officer, cat, struggles to catch a skilled thief, a lynx in a big city.
A Sweet Chase
By M. Lowery

Alonzo Keyes scanned the streets, walkways, and intersections. The cat checked for any signs of crime and trouble. Piston City was enormous and prosperous. It had towering skyscrapers, sports stadiums, shopping centers, banks, restaurants, apartments, museums, and other establishments. Piston City was home to many cats, lynxes, wildcats, dogs, wolves, foxes, and coyotes. As one of the Piston City Police officers, Alonzo made his career and life to keep law and order.

So far, most areas of the city were quiet, but Alonzo didn’t relax his guard. He rubbed his whiskers with one digit. Can’t be too lax, he thought. I’ve got to stop any criminal, including Enid Star.
“Enid Star,” he muttered. His blue eyes narrowed. His tail lashed.
Enid Star was one criminal he could never catch. Many officers had trouble catching her. With her speed, cunning, and playfulness, she was difficult to pin down. She was a lynx that loved to steal whatever was expensive, useful, or appealing.
Alonzo remembered the last time he found her stealing. She had broken into a bakery that had closed down for the night. She had a bag of baked goods. He had shouted for her to stop and that she was under arrest. Enid flashed him her toothy, cocky smile.
“Catch me if you can, Lonnie,” she purred.
Ugh! Hate it when she calls me Lonnie! Alonzo shook his head at the memory. He had chased her through the city and tried to stop her with sleep darts and stun darts from his dart gun. He had even pumped his arms and legs to catch her, but she still managed to escape. He had tried to catch her 5 more times and failed.
Alonzo stopped short when he passed a restaurant. He looked inside. It was packed with customers at each table. They dined on their meals, laughed, and talked. He smiled at that before turning his attention to the city streets.
Suddenly, an alarm sounded. The sound lingered. The radio Alonzo worn on his uniform came to life. The clear voice of a police dispatcher came on the radio. It was feminine and sharp. He recognized it as Madison Proctor.
“Robbery at High Tail Bakery on 4th Street,” Madison said. “Suspect is a female lynx with amber eyes, dressed in navy blue.”
Alonzo recognized that description. It was Enid Star. Without a doubt, he hurried down the sidewalk. He looked up at the intersection. It was Day Street and 4th Street. Turning right he sprinted down 4th Street. This time I will catch you Enid Star!
High Tail Bakery stood between a general store and a coffee shop. It was a squat and compact building with clear store windows. Its shelves, racks, and trays had cakes, breads, cookies, pastries, and other baked goods that the citizens loved. It was the most popular and profitable bakery. He remembered coming here a few times with his little brother to grab cookies. When he stopped in front of the bakery, he saw that the lights were turned off. No one was inside. However, an alarm box on the wall cried and displayed its red lights.
Alonzo scanned the inside of the bakery and noticed some baked goods were taken. The cash register had been left opened. Quickly, he moved further down. He looked left, right, and ahead for any clues or signs. A figure was moving up the sidewalk toward another intersection. The figure passed under a street light, and Alonzo realized it was Enid Star.
Enid was making her escape, and she slung a bag over her shoulders. The lynx moved with quick footsteps and kept her head low. Alonzo started to run after her.
“Piston City Police! Stop!” He shouted.
Enid looked over her shoulder. Her amber eyes brightened in the darkness of the night. “Who’s there?”
“This time you’re going to jail!”
Enid gave Alonzo that familiar toothy smile. “Aww…Lonnie. Is that you? Catch me if you can.”
With a laugh, Enid burst into a sprint. She moved five steps ahead before he could reach up. The bag bounced across her back with each step. She turned right at the intersection. Alonzo growled and turned as well. He focused on her and noted her outfit: navy blue shirt, a utility belt with pouches, and navy-blue pants.
As the chase gave way, Alonzo committed himself to catching the thief. He had failed the last 6 times. Tonight, he felt that he would finally put the handcuffs on her and take her to the station. Enid was tricky, but she still made mistakes too.
Enid reached into her pants pocket as she ran with one arm, the other still holding her bag of loot. She pulled out a handful of small orbs. Each orb was a different color. With a quick flick of her wrist, she tossed the orbs behind her. Alonzo recognized them. They were gumballs. The gumballs rolled across the sidewalk.
Alonzo jumped and leaped to avoid them. That trick won’t stop me! He landed on a few gumballs and slid. Fish nuggets! He slid across the ground and fell onto his bottom with a thud. Short pain ran through him, but he pushed down. He rose to his feet, rubbing his butt. He slipped again and fell.
Enid stopped and looked back at him, laughing. “C’mon, Lonnie. Candy shouldn’t stop you.”
“Shut up!”
“Did I hit a nerve? You’re so cute when you’re embarrassed.”
“You’re still under arrest.”
“Uh huh…but you still have to catch me, fuzzy boy.”
“Ugh! When I get my paws on you…”
Alonzo growled. He jumped up and rushed forward. Anger and annoyance flickered in his blue eyes. His furry ears lay flat. Enid turned and ran. The chase continued. He followed her further on and on through the city as several onlookers watched.
The chase brought them to a district filled restaurants, art galleries, and theaters. Enid continued to run. She would weave through crowds of furry citizens. Alonzo followed. He checked his belt and holster, feeling his dart gun and darts.
Enid turned down an alley. She looked about the alleyway. The lynx kicked a few metal garbage cans down before continuing. When she reached the end of the alley, she turned left. Alonzo made a face as he kicked the garbage aside. Fish bones, dirt, half-eaten food, soiled newspapers were scattered across the ground. He pulled out his dart gun and one stun dart. He loaded the small gray-and-yellow dart into the gun before turning left at the alley exit.
Further down the sidewalk, Enid stopped and turned. She stared at him with an expectant expression. Her amber eyes brightened when she saw him approaching. Alonzo noted how slim and curvy the lynx was. Her figure made her agile and fast. He would need the stun dart to help slow her down.
“So…you still gonna catch me, Lonnie?”
“What do you think? Paws in the air. Now!” Alonzo lifted the dart gun and pointed it at her.
“Mmm. So angry.”
“Drop the goods. Paws in the air, now.”
Enid sighed. She dropped the bag. She lifted her paws in the air.
Alonzo inched closer to her, gun still drawn and pointed. “Kick the bag to me.”
“Sure, sure…” Enid lifted one foot and kicked the bag. “Enjoy!”
The bag rolled across the sidewalk and opened. Several cookies, pastries, donuts, bread loaves spilled from the bag. Enid winked at him, turned, and began to run. Alonzo fired the dart gun. The dart struck her lower back. Sparks and yellow electricity spread across her body. Enid yelped and froze in place. Her body trembled.
She stayed still for a moment before falling over to her side. Alonzo walked over the spilled sweets. He smirked. Finally! She’s mine.
Alonzo knelt before Enid. He rolled her onto her back. Putting away his dart gun in his holster, he then grabbed a pair of handcuffs. He quickly put the cuffs on her and made sure they were secure. Enid looked at him and smiled. There was resignation and surrender in those yellow eyes.
“Enid Star, you’re under arrest for robbery and theft.”
“Indeed, I am.”
“You’re going to jail.”
“I sure am. This sweet chase was fun.”
Alonzo tilted his head. “Fun?”
Enid grinned. “Of course. Stealing, running through the city, and being chased by you. You finally caught me, Lonnie.”
Alonzo shook his head. “I honestly don’t get you. You committed all these thefts and know that it is against the law.”
“Mhm. I know.” Enid nodded. “Lean in closer, officer. I have a gift for you.”
“Nice try. I know this is a trick.”
“No tricks, Lonnie. I promise.”
Alonzo sighed. He leaned forward.
“Closer. Your face to mine.”
Alonzo leaned his face in closer. His nose and mouth were less than an inch from hers. He could smell her scent and it was reminded him of honey and cinnamon. He looked deep into her eyes. He wondered what sort of gift she wanted to give him.
Abruptly, Enid thrust her head forward. Her mouth connected to his in a kiss. Alonzo went wide-eyed. His ears perked up. The kiss was deep and lasted for a hot minute. When Enid pulled pack, she giggled and winked at him.
“For all your hard work, catching a bad lynx like me.”
“I…uh…” Alonzo stared at her, confused.
“You’re welcome, fuzzy boy.”
“Why did you do that?”
“I like you, and I like messing with you. Duh.”
“You like me?”
“Yes. You have rocks for brains or something?”
“No. Just surprised. C’mon, we’re going to the station.”
Alonzo shook his head and pulled Enid to her feet. He started to walk with her in tow. Enid giggled and leaned against him. Finally caught the notorious thief, he mused. Good. But…her kissing me like that was amazing. I…this has been a crazy night.
“Like the gift I gave you, Lonnie?” Enid asked.
“Lost for words? Was it incredible?”
“Yeah, it was sweeter than any cookie or cake.”
“Oh my! I bet you want another kiss huh?”
“Don’t press your luck. Keep walking.”
“Whatever you say, Lonnie.”

© Copyright 2025 MK Lowery (mlowery99 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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