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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/519225-Rant-of-the-Year
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #1111435
My second journal here. My new beginnings.
#519225 added July 5, 2007 at 12:31pm
Restrictions: None
Rant of the Year
I had to let you know that a few days ago, I got on here and wrote out a long entry and instead of saving it, I got distracted and went to look at another website. Goodness.

I have to tell you, I am pissed off about several things today and I am not going to include the previous on my list that is about to come. It's a given already.

*Thumbsdown* I took off for the 13th of this month over 2 months ago for the release of the Harry Potter movie only to find out that it actually is released on the 11th. See, my sisters and I go and see the midnight showing together. So, now I have to go back in after my 2 week vacation and ask if they can change the day around for me. I'm more than sure they will do it for me but I feel like an ass. I am always asking for favors like this from them. Boo.

*Thumbsdown* I work the next day after the release of the HP book. My sisters and I also go to the book party to get the book at midnight. I am still, of course, going but I will be very tired the next day. At least I get to go in at 8am rather than 6 like before.

*Thumbsdown* My sister registered for her book at Border's and I registered for mine at Barnes and Nobles (my choice bookstore) so now we are going to go to the book party at Border's and then after she gets her book at midnight we are going to go to B n N to get mine.

*Thumbsdown* I have to go back to work tomorrow.

*Thumbsdown* I have allergies SO bad. They are driving me crazy and I don't understand because I used to never have allergies and they just get worse every year.

*Thumbsdown* I had an ultra sound and of course it is normal except for the polyp they saw and want me to keep an eye on (???*Confused*???) so I am still going to have to be billed for it and God knows how much that costs.

*Thumbsdown* My tires are bald, bald, bald. I have no money to get new ones well, unless I buy one at a time each pay check...good grief.

*Thumbsdown* I can't diet to save my life. I love to eat and I am a failure over and over again at trying to lose weight. The PMS and bloating totally aren't helping out at all.

*Thumbsdown* The Queens of the Stone Age are in Indy on the 4th of August and I probably won't have money to go.

*Thumbsdown* I want to go out and buy "Something Wild" by Children of Bodom for Ryan 'cause he wants it but I have to stay here and wait for the electric guy which is ironic because I wanted to surprise Ryan with the CD but he's the one who told me to stay here to meet the bastards.

Sorry, I just felt like venting. Maybe I'll be in a better mood. I've been waking up pissed off here lately.

Anyway, I found a website called Pandora.com where you can create music radio stations based on music you already like. For example, you create a station like "Queens of the Stone Age" and the radio station will play some of their songs and a lot of songs that sound like that band. Plus you can vote on what songs you like to keep them playing on the radio station or say you don't like them to ban them from ever playing. It's always on in the background when I'm on the computer and as far as I can tell you can have as many stations as you want. So if I'm not in the mood for Queens type metal then I can listen to Ryan Adams music or Lacuna Coil.

Which reminds me, I went out and bought Ryan Adam's new CD. It's been getting really good reviews and I can see why. His last couple of albums haven't been all that good. I mean, I still listen to them and all cause, well, it's Ryan Adams. "Easy Tiger" however is terriffic. I'm addicted to it already.

*Star*Elaine Bradley

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