This choice: Someone bursts into the room • Go Back...Chapter #6She’s got radioactive blood by: SonicV  After celebrating their anniversary the best way they knew how, all Manny and Frida wanted to do was just cuddle and rest. Unfortunately, they knew that would be a bad idea. No one, not Manny’s dad, grandpapi, and especially not Frida’s parents were aware of what they did behind closed doors, and they knew that if any one of them found out, they would explode.
So, reluctantly, the two lovers got up and started putting their clothes back on. Neither of them could stop smiling, keeping their eyes firmly fixed on the one they loved the whole time. Manny was really enjoying the view, knowing better then anyone that Frida looked sexy in anything that wasn’t even her birthday suit. After getting her skirt on, she bent over in front of him to tie her shoes, giving him a view of her panties and round butt cheeks. She flashed him a goofy smile from between her legs which made Manny laugh.
He should have known, he told himself, that they would end up together. Still, as great as it was to be with Frida, it still ticked Manny off that so many people out their on some level had a problem with his relationship. Some would cry at the intimate details, where others would use that knowledge to tear him limb from limb. Well everyone was just going to have to deal with it or face the wrath of El Tigre, because he was one hundred percent certain that he would never leave Frida, and was looking forward to the day where they could fall asleep in each other’s-
Screaming, the two were thrown back as an explosion ripped the bedroom wall apart. As they managed to get back on their feet, Manny and Frida gasped at what they saw. “The Flock of Fury!” Manny voiced. Hovering in the giant hole in his bedroom, was the family of villains that had practically made it a tradition to get screwed over by the Riveras. One of them was the one Manny had personally, although unintentionally, made more cuckoo then Plata Peligrosa, and she had her laser pointed directly at him “Happy Anniversary Manny. Here’s your present.”
Her sinister grin became a cold stare as she fired. Manny and Frida leaped for their lives, and Manny spun his belt buckle. “ *Roar!* El Tigre!” thrusting his arm forward, his chain fist rocketed towards Cuervo and smacked her before she could fire again. Vultura and Lady Gobbler tried to swoop in, but Manny’s claw quickly grappled onto the ceiling, allowing him to swing forward and kick both of them. Of course, that didn’t stop them, and they flew right back at him just before he could release his claws. This sent Manny swinging back and forth, slamming into the ceiling over and over and over and over and over…
Frida and the elder villains just kept on following him with their eyes, getting dizzy just by watching him. Eventually though, a hunk of the ceiling his claws were holding onto cracked off and El Tigre went careening towards the now startled villains. As they got hit, Vultura’s laser accidentally misfired out the hole and down into the streets. The blast eventually collided in the lane right next to a truck carrying toxic waste, which startled the driver, sending him swerving down the road, and somehow making it outside the city limits without hitting anyone, before finally turning on its side and spilling the drums all over a nearby farm.
“Can’t you guys just go one night without trying to waste me?” landing on his knee, El Tigre confronted the foes that had ruined his anniversary. He was about to tear those two shreds when Vultura pointed out “We are not the ones you should be concerned about El Tigre.” Confident in her daughter’s plan for obvious reasons, she pointed behind Manny so he could watch as his girlfriend was held by the scruff of her shirt by Black Cuervo, who was just getting ready to finish her off.
“Frida!...Wait, how’d you get in here without me even hearing you?” El Tigre asked the girl who no one seemed to know was Zoe Avez. She responded by yelling at first “No more talking! Although, I should be the one asking the questions, like why are you with this scatter brained, egotistical, goggle wearing fat ass, and I mean GIGANTIC, cow?”
“I’m not fat!” Frida yelled at her. She could voice from experience not just from it being her body in question, but when Manny had been feeling her up as they fucked, the only fat she had felt his hands on was what gave her boobies and booty their jiggle. Besides, right now she was wondering what Black Cuervo looked like under all that armor, or even how much she weighed.
“Cuervo, how many times do I have to tell you that I have a girlfriend?!” El Tigre spoke annoyed. He was really getting sick of this, he had no interest in Black Cuervo even back when he was single, what made her think he’d take her to dinner and a movie now that he was in a relationship, and with his best friend no less? Well, Manny got his answer when Cuervo’s eyes gleamed sinisterly right at Frida and said “Not for long.”
Spreading her wings, she rocketed up through the roof, which Firda took the brunt of without a helmet “OW!” Immediately, El Tigre rushed over and fired his grappling claw, managing to snag a grip on Black Cuervo’s jetpack. The good news was that now, he wouldn’t lose those two. The bad news was though, now he was along for the ride.
El Tigre screamed as he was flung and flown all throughout Miracle City. Just as Black Cuervo was contemplating whether to drop her competitor for Manny’s heart, or take her to some secure location where she could kill her slowly, she saw she had a stowaway. Deciding to knock some sense into him, she flew low, making El Tigre smack right into a building, and then another, and then another, and then another ect.
Probably the tenth time, as Manny shook his head and spit out his loose teeth, he saw that the crazy girl had accidentally flown them out of the city. No more buildings meant no more concrete face plants, and he spotted that Cuervo was too busy dealing with Frida. The two of them were struggling, and before the super villain could realize she should just let Frida do herself in that way, Manny retracted the chain and rose himself up, swung up above Black Cuervo, and then power kicked her right in the back.
That sent, Black Cuervo plummeting, but just before they hit the ground, she swerved back up, but that also caused her to lose Frida. As the hero and villain kept fighting, she rolled on the grass before coming to a stop. As Frida regained her bearings, a strange glow caught her attention.
“What the heck?” that’s what anyone would say if you saw a farm outside Miracle City, that had more then just goats, and where every animal was coated in glowing, green, toxic waste. It was a jaw dropping sight, but unfortunately, Frida forgot that when ever something becomes radioactive, it immediately wants to bite someone nearby.
“AAH!” she learned that though when a pig got her hand. She pulled away immediately, but accidentally backed up into a cow that bit her on the arm “AAH!” That sent her stumbling back, and bumping into another animal, and this one was huge, grey, and had tusks. “What’s an elephant doing on a farm?” she had to ask, but of course right after that, the elephant opened its mouth and engulfed half of her body! “AAH!!!”
Meanwhile, the epic battle between El Tigre and Black Cuervo continued as those two were flying all over in the sky above. They were fighting for control, trying to see who could ground who first, and at one point, Cuervo actually helped El Tigre!
“No, no, no, put your hand here.” Okay so she’s not that crazy, she just put one of Manny’s strong hands on her left boob. She swooned as she felt his grip through her skintight costume, and Manny had to roll his eyes in annoyance. However, that was when he took he stopped focusing on the horny villain and saw that his girlfriend’s legs kicking inside an elephant’s mouth.
“Frida!” El Tigre shouted. Without thinking, he flipped Black Cuervo over and slammed his fist into her jetpack, pulled out some wires, and leaped off. This sent her rocketing out of control and soon she zoomed past Vultrua and Lady Gobbler on their way to the fight, who immediately dropped everything to save her.
With Black Cuervo gone, El Tigre rushed over to the glowing elephant that was about to slurp up Frida when he grabbed onto her ankles. He pulled and struggled with everything he had. With a wet pop, Frida was free.
“Damn, that was close. You okay?” El Tigre asked his girlfriend. Looking over herself, coated in saliva, animal breath still fresh in her nostrils, and unknowingly infected with radiation, Frida responded “A little glowy, but yeah I’m fine.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to see a doctor or something?” Manny asked. He and Frida had to walk home, which didn’t seem that bad considering they just survived the Flock of Fury, but throughout the whole time, Frida had continued to glow green. Sure it was starting to fade, but Manny didn’t think this was something Frida should ignore. Of course, this was the same girl that quickly got used to having a zombie on her head once.
“Nah, I’m cool. I just-*Growl!*” Frida’s attention was then brought to her stomach. She felt really hungry all of a sudden, not really sure why, but considering she had just unknowingly received super powers from three different animals with huge appetites, we all know where this is going.
indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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