"Let's just get to your place yeah? I'm sure we can figure out what to do from there" You yell up at the giant.
"Right" He stops for a moment thinking. "Well I ain't got any pockets in my trousers, so you're goin' to have to travel Chris style."
"That means?"
"Well, I can't hold you all the way home, but i've got some safe places you could go. You've already met one of them."
Ah, he's talking about his ass. He wants you to sit in his crack while walks home, being pounded by the muscled walls and being rolled up in his filthy sweat.
"I think that's a great idea" You respond, your cock tensing.
"Right, give me a moment to put my trainers on then i'll sort you out." He sits down again, this time just in front of you giving you a perfect view of his ass again. In the tight profile the shorts give it you see the two beautifully round cheeks dip into his back and his thighs creating the crevice that you'll be riding in. You walk up to the left cheek and rub your hand along the soft surface of his shorts but feeling the warmth of the giant behind it.
"Right Tom" he says turning his head round. "You're going to have to go in my boxers, can't risk you falling out ya know?"
You gulp at the prospect "So i'm gonna' be pressing into your naked, stinking ass?"
"Yeah well, you didn't want me to take a shower so you're gonna have to put up with it being a bit sweaty down there." He chuckles lightly. "Don't worry though, you've smelled it before."
You see his hand some around and it picks you up, raising your feet to the band of his shorts and boxers. His other hand pulls them back revealing the humid cave, the soft curve of his flesh folding into a thick steamy darkness between the bench and his ass. You're quickly pushed down into the contour of his backside, fitting snugly inbetween the large mounds either side of you. The hand retreats closing the gap above, but you can still quite easily see around you. As he stands the cheeks press in against you , hugging you in a slick embrace. You gasp when you feel the powerful ass cheeks rubbing you, coated in droplets of Chris' musky sweat from the game. He keeps good care of himself you think, the smooth walls around you, even though they reek to high heaven, are rather clean, and any ass hair is short enough not to worry you.
You as he continues on his journey the crack gets hotter and hotter. Your naked body turns a shiny red in the heat, glossed with a layer of jock sweat. You pant, the walls seemingly pushing tighter giving you less room every step. The heat begins to intensify the true smell of ass. The air starts to fill with a hint of crap, emanating from the pulsing ring below you. You feel around for it, your hands pushing around into the slick ass cheeks before they brush against the more slimy hole. You push your arms into the intense heat of the hole desiring to feel inside of your captor. It's slick and tight, the powerful anal rings tugging at your arms. You pull one arm out and take a deep smell of it, the rich scents of his reeking depths making your cock explode the most it ever has done. Humping into the soft flesh of the butt crack you cock releases its entire load.
With your energy depleted and the soft warmth holding you, you fall asleep exhausted.