You are still trapped in the behemoth's ass as you try to survive. Suddenly, you hear a low rumbling coming from her, and then, you hear her mumbling, "oh, man. I feel a couple of stink bombs coming." You try to brace yourself the best way you can, but you were still caught off-guard by the sheer force and stench of the farts. They smelt odorous, disgusting, and deadly. They nearly blew your hair back, and you had to stop yourself from vomiting. As you were pulling yourself up, dusting off the dried feces, you thought that the worst was over. However, Sandra's bowel movements have another plan stored for you. Just then, the large female behemoth begins to move as the walls, which were her ass cheeks , close in on you, as you were mushed in between, with more shit smearing on you , with its rancid smell. "Ugh, it's that time again. I think it was that twelfth burrito. Oh well." said Sandra as she got out of bed, and walking as her huge ass jiggled as both sides grind you. You didn't know where she's going, until there was a light. Luckily for you, Sandra's ass is butt-naked for you to see it. However, you wished you didn't seen it, because that light was the bathroom, and that rumbling means that nature calls for Sandra, a a whole lot of nature! When Sandra turned away from the toilet, most likely getting ready to sit on her throne, you saw that her toilet was really big and filthy on the inside. There was dried shit on the inside of it, and you don't want to be in that, so you tried to hang on to one of her ass hairs again. Unfortunately, Sandra plopped down on the toilet so hard, that the force shook you loose, and made fall and splashed in the toilet water. When you resurfaced, yo see your light was covered by Sandra's enormous ass, and you were in time to witness her letting out some more ass gas. This time, you did vomit a little. "Oooh, man. It feels like I might be here for ours... I feel it coming!" She said as she grunted, while you saw her asshole widen as it started rumbling, and you can tell that this time, it's not going to be a fart. You have to watch out and be careful, or you'll end up buried in human waste.