Heads up, I decided to change the setting of the story, instead of being in Colorado, it will be Pennsylvania Philadephia, I'm scrapping the character ghost from the story, and Zolton will stay. Joaquin will be a new character added, He's the other brother of Aidan age (25) shrunken by Aidan's experiment to the size of Aidan's knees. I'm still thinking about who should I add and whether or not the story will have a villain, more will be revealed soon. Other than the changes on top, everything will be the same as previously before, so let's get to it.
Aidan(a fit person with the hair of Jaime Rayes from the Blue Beetle movie) always saw the world as a mystery His parents took him around Philadephia to fulfill his dreams when he was a kid (He heard stories about urban legends and myths that were thought to be fiction. His family (Aldo and Carmen both 50) and older sister (Sophia 28) made fun of him due to his gifts, but these gifts are what made him what he is today. Aidan Is currently attending a local university, becoming a scientist. Aidan first met Zolten when he fell from the stars in his house.
At Philadelphia University, Aidan is at his apartment studying for a winter exam in his second year, "Hello is this Adian Reyes?" "Correct," Aidan opens the door to see an administrator with a letter informing him of a scholarship he won and asks to meet tonight. "wow, Another scholarship, Thank you" Aidan closes the door and spins his chair, he looks at his portraits of memory, his academic achievements, his relatives, and his friends have a good time, all went out of the window is when he heard that they will be moving at a different state, and told him "It was a great ride, but now its time to move on," Besides Zolton and Ghost, Aidan lack friends throughout his college semester. He also lacks finding love, every girl he has ever dated ditches him to his beliefs.
At Home Aidan was greeted by Zolton and Joaquin about the day they told him they should go find Bigfoot, seeing it as something to do, Aidan changed and put on his EVS gear and black comfortable pants with armor, shoes, gloves, and a Cape. The trio with their hunt.
We end this section with the store leaving the United States and shifting to the same island where our 3 characters will be introduced. A normal deer was eating grass until it spotted a mutant creature hiding, she ran as well as the creature. The creature catches the deer and is about to finish it when the ground begins to shake, and they see a massive foot coming by and stop in front of it, It is the giant woman's daughter Valentina herself, She spots and picks up a mutant creature bigger than the deer, she then eats the creature herself, rubbing her stomach and moves on.