The Elephants were by far the largest species. As with the Horses, the Elephants were not technologically advanced. In fact, they were the most primitive. This may have been due to their immense size, which made them naturally so powerful that they did not need any technology to defend themselves. However, where the Elephants did differ from the Horses was in their warlike nature. The Horses were relatively peaceful agrarians which tended to keep to themselves in their own vast lands, but the Elephants (despite being Herbivores) desired to have supremacy over the other species, and would frequently invade the lands of neighboring species to raid them of food, resources, or even slaves. On occasion, the Elephants would invade a land just for the sake of owning the land itself, and they would annex this land into their growing empire, much to the dismay of the species that lived in these lands.
The Elephants had an enormous need for food to sustain their massive bodies, which tended to have a devastating effect on the lands they conquered. Though they possessed little technology, they had no problem tearing apart entire forests using the incredible strength of their massive trunks which could easily rip a full grown tree out of the ground. Lands which had been forests, were converted into Savannas by the Elephants as they devoured everything in sight. Many species which favored life in the forests came to hate the Elephants for this reason. But no one could do anything to stop them, because the Elephants were too large and powerful.
Of all the species who came to hate and fear the Elephants, there was none who despised them more than the species of Mice. The Mice were the opposite of the Elephants in almost every way. The Mice were the smallest species, in contrast to the Elephants who were the largest. An entire village of Mice could be squished under an Elephant's foot, and the Elephant would barely even notice. Mice farmers would store their grain in massive (to the Mice) silos, but hungry Elephants who came upon these grain silos would greedily devour them in one massive gulp. Even though the Elephants were Herbivores, they would not stop their gorging to make sure there wasn't any mice inside of the food they were eating. Unknown numbers of Mice were inadvertently chewed up or swallowed alive to digest inside of Elephants massive bloated bellies as the Elephants helped themselves to the bounty of the Mice's lands.
Fortunately, most Mice lived in cities, which the Elephants tended to ignore because there was very little food there. Many Mice cities were technically annexed and part of Elephant territory now, but in practice the Elephant rulers tended to leave them alone. The Mice were far too small to make for good slaves to labor in the fields, but the Mice could help the Elephants in another way by providing them with advanced technology. Specifically, technology pertaining to Agriculture. The Elephants were too arrogant to do the work of growing their own crops themselves, but they were more than happy to share this technology with their slaves. It was a common sight in Elephant lands to see Wolves, Horses, Cats, and all the other species toiling in the fields to provide food for their Elephant masters.
Whereas the Elephants were the most primitive of all the species, the Mice were by far the most scientifically advanced. Though it was other species which worked in the Elephant's fields, they often did so using technology such as advanced fertilizer formulas, genetically modified seeds, Mice tractors (scaled up in size to be used by non-Mice species), and so on. The Elephants would not allow these technologies to leave their lands. The Mice were considered to be the property of the Elephant empire, so any technology that the Mice invented was likewise considered to be Elephant property. The Elephants didn't use the technology themselves or know how to, but it was for their slaves to use for the benefit of the Elephants and no other purpose. The Elephants made this clear in their diplomacy with the independent realms that if they found out there was Mice technology being used, they would go to war with whoever was using it, and this threat was enough to keep everyone else in check.
So somewhat paradoxically, the Elephants were the most primitive species living at a stone age level, but at the same time their empire possessed the world's most advanced technologies, because of the Mice being part of their empire.
But what the Elephants did not see coming was that the scientifically advanced Mice slaves have been secretly working on a secret technology to liberate themselves and turn the tables on their Elephant masters, by taking away the one advantage the Elephants had over them: their size.
Huge Tesla coils began to be constructed in the Mice cities, and the Elephants just shrugged at the sight of this, assuming it was some new agricultural technology that would help boost the crop yields even further. They never saw it coming when these huge Tesla coils came to life all of a sudden one night and there was a loud explosion as lightning lit up the sky in all directions for thousands of miles.
The next day, when the sun rose, the Elephants were horrified to discover that...