Sixteen years had past since the child was abandoned. With each passing day, the half- dragon grew more and more lonely. He knew that he was half-dragon, and he somehow knew about his curse. He is cursed to take the form of what people around him think about him. For instance, the more people that only see him as a monster, the more dragon like he would become, but the more people that see past his dragonic look and find out who he is on the inside, the more human he'd look. Unfortunately, every person he had met in these woods has though of him as a bloodthirsty beast, and he has been stuck in his dragon form since his father abandoned him sixteen years ago.
He didn't mind being a dragon, because it was kind of cool, but what he didn't like was the loneliness. Sometimes at night, he would stand at the edge of the woods and stare out at the village. He wished the someday he would be a part of it, but it will never happen unless someone sees through him and sees who he really is. He had almost given up hope on that. Though, he didn't know that his life would change for the better soon.
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Jessica was a citizen of the village Peacia. She was sixteen and had a big brother, Glen, who was eighteen. Glen and Jessica's parents had died when she was young. Jessica had heard that there was a dragon in the woods. Now, she had gone into the woods many times and she had never seen a dragon before. Glen would always say that it was too dangerous to go into the woods. So, Jessica had too sneak into the woods. This was one of those days.
Jessica frolicked through the woods. She was having a good time. Then she heard something. She approached the sound that was coming from a large clearing. She crouched down and looked through a bush. There, she saw the most fantastic sight her eyes had ever beheld.
It was the dragon and it was drinking from a stream. The dragon was large with black scales. Now, Jessica had heard that dragon's could grew as tall as sixty feet, but this one was about fourty-eight feet from the ground to the tip of the snout. Jessica also guessed that the dragon was about sixty-eight feet long from the tip of the tail to the tip of the snout.The dragon had long spikes that ran down its spine to the end of it's tail, and it had horns the came out of the back of its head.
Jessica was in awe of the creature. It was both beautiful and menacing at the same time. Jessica desperately wanted to take a closer look, but she new that dragon were very dangerous, and that it was best not to go near it.
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The half-dragon teenager was drinking from the stream. As he drank, he noticed movement from the bushes. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see a teenage girl looking through the bushes. He could only see her face, and from that, he could tell that she was beautiful. He thought that any minute the girl would run from him, but she didn't.
"Could this girl be different?" he asked himself, "Is she not afraid of me? Or did she not run yet, because she thinks that I can't see her?" Either way, The half dragon decided to look up at the human girl in the bushes.