Becky was big. At 6'4, sporting ridiculous HH cup breasts, she was a shoe in for Nicole's rival if ever there was one. It hadn't worked out that way, however, they actually had become pretty close friends over the course of the first few weeks of freshman year, and had shared a bed more than a few weekends. Becky adored Nicole's ass, Nicole adored Becky's boobs, and so it went, typically, and with a lot of kissing and licking at the coveted assetts of the other. She was perfect for tonight's festivities.
"Hey Becky?"
"Yeah, what's up big sexy whale butt?"
"You need to come over right away."
"Hrmm... I dunno, I have a big exam on monday--"
"You _need_ to come over. And hurry."
Becky paused, "Uhm...ok. Gimme 15 minutes."
"Get here faster than that. You won't regret it."
Nicole hung up the phone, and immediately went over to her liquor cabinet, preparing a tall, hard rum and coke for her friend, and crushing up pills in a small bowl to add "spike" to the beverage.
"I feel like a drug dealer," Nicole mused, whimsically crushing a 9 growth pills into a fine power, adding them to the glass. "She'll appreciate being a ...really tall gal...but let's add some more..." she impishly too a dozen emBiggen Bust tablets, and added them to the mix as well, the drink turning a sickly green color having been added to with so many of the drugs. "Her tits are gonna get _so_ fucking big...she'll kill me," Nicole mused, "but most likely just end up thanking me. The giant co'ed briefly pondered adding the butt enhancers as well, but decided against it. "Nuh-uh...the butt is _my_ territory."
She was just about to start work on a cocktail for herself when the doorbell rang, startling her.
"C-come in!" Nicole yelled, leaving the drink on the coffee table, grabbing the liquor and a few bottles as she darted out to the patio area. She attempted to seat herself on a lounge chair, but it quickly disintegrated under weight, prompting the blimp butted Nicole to cuss under breath.
"Nicole?" she heard Becky call out, the front door opening and shutting.
"Over here on the patio, hon!," she called out, "I left a drink for you on the table."
"Oh cool, thanks!" A pause. "This tastes funny, Niccy." she heard her big boobed friend giggle. "You know you don't have to slip me mickies if you wanna get with me, silly. But if that's your thing...bottoms up."
Nicole blinked, hearing exaggerated swallowing noises. "Oh boy," she thought, " she wasn't supposed to chug the entire thing."
Becky then wandered over to the patio door, her big HH cups jostling slightly in the tight tee-shirt she was wearing.
"What's with the crates and shit? And what the hell did you put in my drink, I feel tingly as hell-WHAT THE FUCK!" Becky stopped in her tracks, finally noticing a more than slightly bigger version of her friend lying there on the patio deck, crushed chair beneath her wide, bulbous ass.
A pause, and then Nichole chimed in, "You like? I've had quite a day."
Becky's eyes widened. "You're _huge_! You're like, taller than me! And your tits!"
Nicole smirked, pouring a glass of straight rum, and downing it, the giant wincing at the taste. "Meh, I'm kinda tiny, still I think."
Becky blinked. "How did you gr--" she stuttered, her knees suddenly going wobbly (as well as her boobs), "gro--oh jeeze..." she seated herself on the patio floor, head feeling light. "I feel weird...and...good," Her stomach gurgled violently, and Nicole's friend moaned loudly, hands flying upward to her big breasts.
"I feel so...full..." she muttered, still hazey, eyes half open as she almost unconsciously massaged her breasts, and then the rest of her body. "What's happening to whole body feels like its' gonna bust--" she stopped and let out a loud, wanton moan as her body burbled and shook, her clothes drawing skin tight against her milky pale flesh. Another grunt. "Here it comes again...fuck-mmmMMMM!" she let another, louder moan, eyes wincing shut as she surged to easily eight feel tall, her jeans shredding to tatters, followed quickly by her panties. She arched her back, her body shuddering again as her top popped off loudly, her boobs engorging to twice their original size, quickly filling her lap with sweaty tit.
"What did you do to me, Nicole?!" she managed, "It''s..." she moaned again, 10 feet of monstrously busty girl filling Nichole's patio, another thunderous moan escaping Becky's lips as she arched her back, lips pouted and mouth wide open in wanton, orgasmic pleasure, as she towered to 15 feet now, her tits overflowing her lap, the rock hard nipples nigh impossible for her to reach. "Wonderful!"
Nicole looked on in fascination and envy as her friend grew and grew, Becky seated on her haunches, completely naked, and glistening with perspiration, rubbing what she could of her enormous mammaries, moaning at each burst of growth. 20 feet, 30, and still Becky grew into a bigger and bigger mountain of woman.
50 feet tall now, Nicole could no longer see her friends face from below the immense balcony of boob. "I think I overdosed her," Nicole thought, "she's turning into a giant dairy cow."
Becky's growth slowed at the 60 foot mark, the townhouse barely sufficient to obscure view of her from the street in front, her immense boobs jutting out for more than 40 feet from her chest. The tit queen collapsed in an endlessly jostling, sweaty heap on the back yard, her giant legs plowing casually through the neighbor's fencing as she stretched.
Nicole meanwhile, couldn't take it anymore, and hastily prepared a huge cocktail of all three pill types. "I'll out grow her in all three ways!" she thought adding an extra large dosage of EnBiggen Bust to her glass. She smirked at the groaning tit-giant in her yard, "And you thought my ass was big before?" she smirked, and made to down the mixture...