I stretched, opening my eyes to a well-tanned girl with bright red hair.
"Morning Sleepyhead!" she said in a cheery voice.
"Din!" I yelped, nearly jumping out of my sleeping bag, opening my blue eyes. "Don`t do that!"
"Why not?" she asked, giggling at my reaction as she ruffled by brown hair.
"Because you know I hate that!" I responded fixing my hair back to it`s spiky style.
"Well, it`s almost lunchtime, and you still need to practice your act," Din replied, getting up and scolding me a bit. "Magic won`t improve without practice you know."
"I know, I know..." I said, sitting up.
"C`mon, Impa`s got stew today!" Din said, running out of my pup tent in her usual manner.
"Alright, alright," I said, standing up and getting dressed. I put on my brown boots and tan pants as well as a white shirt with silver trim. I slung my dark blue cloak over my shoulders and pinned it together.
"You ready already?" Din asked.
"Yes Din, I`m on my way out!" I said, grabbing my brown gloves and my twin bracelets I bought from a market a while back. They were supposed to enhance magical power but all they really did was look cool and more magical. The old lady I bought them from said they were meant for me, but I didn`t believe her.
After lunch, I were trying to meditate, but the nightmares I`d been having lately kept me from focusing.
All I could remember was a large black dragon, Din being blown away, and four lights speaking to me about a coming time or something, followed by a green triangle.
I wondered what it meant just as Din ran back from her walk.
"Someone help! There`s a man collapsed in the nearby clearing!" Din yelled, snapping me out of my trance.
"Damn, we gotta help him!" I said, standing up and running to the clearing Din led me to. We found a young man with pointed ears and wearing a green hat and tunic.
"Green clothes and hat..." I said to myself before Din snapped me back to reality.
"C`mon, don`t just stand there, help!" Din said, pushing me.
"Alright already!' I said, picking him up as others came to help us.