Right there, in the middle of the island, was a house. A pretty large house, at that. With a big yard and everything. It was much bigger than the two room apartment Robb called home back in America. Peter put the small man back on the ground and started walking towards the home, when a woman stepped outside.
She appeared to be in her mid thirties and had a pretty trim figure. Another, more normal sized, child was playing in the front yard. It was a girl. She looked to be maybe a few years younger than Peter.
"Hey, mom, guess what?" Peter said, as he neared the front of the house. "I found a guy lying on the shore. That's him walking behind me." He pointed back towards Robb. "I also found a huge ship filled with food! You won't have to cook again for a whole year!"
"That's great, Peter," the mom replied, smiling up at her son. "Now go inside and wash up. I'll make sure our guest is taken care of."
Robb marvelled at the overall size of the house. It was the size of a mansion, it seemed. Yet, it looked like a regular house you would see in suburbia. The yard itself was probably a full acre or so in length. As he passed the little girl, who was playing on a swingset, he waved at her. She smiled and waved back.
"Hi, I'm Robb," the man said, as he approached the mother, extending his hand.
"Im Sarah," she replied. "Please, come inside." She motioned him to walk past the huge doorway and into the large living room on the other side. His mouth dropped as he tried to take in the sheer size of the place.
"Amazing, isn't it?" Sarah said, after closing the front door. "You know, Peter built this entire place by himself a few years ago. I mean, after his growth spurt was over."
"Yeah," Robb said. "Just how does a child his age grow to that size anyway?"
Sarah chuckled a little. "It's the water in this place. I don't know why, but starting from day one, Peter would grow a little bit every time he took a drink of water from the island. There's a number of springs and lakes and whatnot scattered throughout the island. Anyway, by the end of the first six months, he looked like Arnold Schwarzenegger and was nearly as tall as I was. And, over the past few years, he's kept growing until he reached his current size. I think the growing's stopped, but I swear, every time he takes a drink of water, he gets a little bit stronger. Lucky me, he's always been a good kid, otherwise I'd never be able to control him."
The two looked up as Peter passed from the bathroom to the ktchen, the house seeming to shake with every step he took.
"And it doesn't work on you or your daughter?"
"Oh,no," Sarah replied. "If that were the case, I'd be even bigger than Peter, since I drink far more water than he does."
"Have you always lived here?" Robb asked, intrigued.
"Just the past few years or so," Sarah replied. "We were thrown overboard after the cruise ship we were on at the time capsized. The three of us found a small boat and we rowed to shore. We've been here ever since."
"I have to check this island out," Robb thought to himself, as the two walked into the kitchen, revealing a very large table full of food.
"Hungry?" Sarah asked Robb, who grinned.
"I'm starving."