"Mmmmmmmmmmmmm... So sweet..." Maria sighs. "So wonderful..." The swelling orange vixen is losing herself to euphoria; her thoughts are becoming less organized...
She snaps out of it, though, when a single thought enters her mind: That of a pressure in her abdomen. "Oooooh... Getting a bit tight..." she says hazily. "Wait... What?"
Maria had only just become aware of the fact that she'd been growing fatter. "Oh, my..." she gasps, poking a bit of white-furred flesh spilling out from her bodice. She giggles a bit; it's ticklish. But she's still a bit concerned.
"What's happening?" she says. "I'm... Getting fat? How?" The vixen stares at her belly-flesh, watching it slowly, slowly rise like bread in an oven. She gives it another poke, and another, each time trying to stifle her laughter. Apparently, the flower-oil has made her both fatter and more sensitive.
"I-it tickles!" she squeals as she grabs the pillowy vixenflesh with both of her paws and massages it. She breaks out into hysterical laughter; euphoria's setting in once more, but not completely.
Maria sighs wistfully. "I can't remember the last time I've had so much fun, or been so happy..." She sighs once more. "I've been a warrior for as long as I could thrust a sword... And I've never been good at it. I can never make enough money to make ends meet, and I never have anywhere to go..." A tear comes to the vixen's eye, and her green irises become misty. "I've always been hungry... Always been alone... But what else can I do? Nothing. Being a warrior's the best I can do..." Her euphoria's been sufficiently squelched. "I wish... I wish I didn't have to... I just want to be here with these flowers..." She inhales deeply through her nostrils, breathing in much of the flowers' aroma. "No responsibilities... No cares... Like a kit again..." She lays a paw on her belly, feeling it a bit, and giggles. "If only..."
Her mind wanders to memories of herself, much younger; when she was a child. Memories of being back home (what used to be home, before she left) in the village she was born. A tiny, tiny kit, with not a care in the world. She'd always had enough to eat, and a warm bed to sleep in... No monsters to slay but the ones she'd imagined. No swords to heft but the branch she'd picked up from beneath the willow. And no armor to wear; she didn't need any.
She'd climb the tree right outside of her family's cottage. She'd chase butterflies through tall grass, over by the pond, pouncing on them if they dared to land.
And she'd roll through the field of daisies, sending petals flying into the warm breeze on a summer's day, and coming up smelling so sweetly...
Maria snaps back to reality, and a smile comes across her muzzle. She was surrounded by a field of flowers. And she was alone.
"Time... To be a kit again!" she squeals. She rolls onto her belly, laughing as the petals of the flowers brush her sensitive flesh, and gets up onto all fours. The added weight, nearly 80 pounds since she arrived, is a bit difficult to maneuver with, but she manages.
Gravity, however, is making itself apparent; Maria's new weight tries to pull her down, and the pressure in her abdomen increases as the tightness of her armor becomes intolerable.
"Hmph!" Maria snorts. "Kits don't need armor!"
She flops onto the ground, letting her fat ripple and bounce, and begins to take off all of her equipment. She kicks her boots off, wriggling her toes in the evening air, letting them breathe.
She pulls off her leggings; they're stubborn, to say the least, wrapped tight around the vixen's thick thighs and soft ass. With a little pulling, they come off, revealing Maria's once-toned legs, orange-furred like the rest of her body, but with white fur lining her inner thighs. She runs her paws up and down them; her calves, once slim, had become soft, and merged with her ankle; her knees had begun to sag; her thighs had become quite round, losing their muscular tone and gaining what felt to be an inch-thick layering of fat; her hips had become quite wide and round, jutting from her leg a good foot and a half... And her ass had grown to nearly 4 times its original size, layered with vixen-fat and bouncing with even the most subtle of movements.
She attempts to pull off her bodice, which proves to be even more difficult than her leggings. The vixen grunts, trying to tug the stubborn armor off of her blubbery midsection, which refuses to let her armor pass. "C'mon, tummy..." she pleads. With a particularly hard pull, the armor slides upwards, exposing more of Maria's soft belly, bouncing and jiggling with her continued struggle. Her armor refuses to budge. However, it pays dearly for its disobedience; the leather bodice tears right down the center, falling off of the bloated vixen's frame, exposing a hidden expanse of flesh. "Awwww... I didn't want you to break..." Her belly, now free of its bindings, fell downwards with the force of gravity, bouncing as it settled into position, spilling into her lap as she sat; a sizable, round white-furred mass of vixen-lard framed by orange, with a deep, wide navel yawning dead in the center, squishing itself into a half-closed mouth. Her breasts fell into place, as well, settling themselves on top of her belly with a hearty bounce, two glorious ivory globes, heavy with the flowers' handiwork, tipped with a pink, silver-dollar sized nipple on each.
Maria took a moment to feel herself up, exploring all of this new flesh; she'd come into the meadow a svelte 80 pounds... By her estimate, she was now about 200, and still growing! She wasn't all that concerned anymore, though; she just laughed from the stimulus. A goofy grin broke out across her muzzle, joined by a twinkle in her eye.
"Now, where were we..?" She flopped onto her back and inhaled deeply. "Ah, yes..."
She took a moment to rub her belly, squeezing it and massaging it. Maria threw her arms to her sides, and began to roll from side-to-side, giggling like the little girl she wanted to be again and crushing the strange flowers underneath the thick rolls on her back, coating herself in oil and speeding up her expansion. "Hahahahahahahahaha!" She was having more fun than she'd had in a while. She rolled faster, and harder, throwing more of her body into her roll, coming into a full rotation like a rotisserie chicken on a spit. With all of her body, she practically steam-rolled the flowers, flattening them beneath her growing bulk and evenly soaking her body in the fattening oil, laughing louder and harder than she ever had. "I feel just like a kit again!" She reared up on all fours, her ass jutting into the air. She wriggled her behind, jiggling it thoroughly, and pounced ahead of her, aiming at nothing in particular, and flopped down onto her pillowy belly. She repeated this a few more times, attempting to perform a few somersaults; her bulk wouldn't allow it,but she was having the time of her life, just the same.
After one last "half-somersault," she came to rest, lying on her back, panting and giggling. She was now over 400 pounds! "Wow!" said Maria, genuinely astounded and without a hint of shock. "Look how big I am!" She laughed as she ran her paws all over her belly. "Soooooooo big!" She laughed even harder, sending all of her front into a hearty wobble. "Enormous..." she sighed contentedly...