...everything is silent for a moment. And then you start hearing a squeaky voice screaming: "Guys, this is it! You know it! I know it! She knows it, but she ain't giving in! But that's cool and that's why we love her! This is it"
"Gelato, no!"
A clown jumps out of the car, this startles you. He seems to be a pretty big figure, and this was more than just in the terms of a human fitting on that toy car, this clown had something of a real athletic physique. He was wearing red overalls but seemed shirtless, was clown white his natural skin color?? He runs up to you with a tiny blue ruler and comically attempts to take your measurements with it. Two other clowns step out of the car, one is enormously obese wearing a blue jumpsuit, the other seemed like an average person wearing a green clown trenchcoat and pants.
"Gelato, I don't think this is a good idea!" - squeaked the fat one.
"I dunno Tubby, I'm kinda starting to feel it like him. If it comes down to this then we should do something fast." - squeaked the other one in a calm cool tone.
"Thank you Cory! Congratulations lady, you messed up! You're one of us now, come on!" - squeaked Gelato right at your befuddled face.
"Alright alright, let's see what we got here." - you hear in the back, it was a woman's voice. Seems like the ring leader of these crazy clowns came along and emerged from the toy Beetle. Her attire was quite classic but at the same time very tight for a circus ring leader. She was a brunette with long hair and wore a black top hat, she also had with her a small whip.
"Gelato and Cory, we're going to have to work with this figure, as it is right now it just won't do..." - she said to her darling clowns while looking straight at still confused you.
"I-I knew that..." - quickly responded Cory.
"Congratulations girl, your dull and uninteresting life has just ended and becomes a bright and funny new life in our amazing little world!" - addresses the ring leader right at you.
"Okay, this is getting creepier and creepier, before you people continue I'd like to know where I am..." - you finally tell them.
"Where you are right now is not important, is where we need you to be as soon as possible." - answered the ring leader.
"What are you talking about? This doesn't make any sense..!" - you tell her. And with a quick snap of her whip to the air, your body suddenly reacts and stands completely still. You feel almost frozen.
"Alright guys, let's go. We got a lot of work to do!" - orders the ring leader, and with that the clowns grab you and take you to their car. Cory seems to be the wheelman, er, clown. Tubby's in the passenger seat and you are in the back with Gelato and the ring leader, who has her arm wrapped around your shoulder and can't stop staring at you smiling. They drive off.
Oh man, the clowns took you to their car?! That's not good, that's supposed to happen! Where are they gonna take you to?!