The gates, they are the entry points to, and the defenders of, the place where the lawless one keeps himself. Early on, before he began his crusade, the lawless one imprisoned himself in a realm he claimed as his own, a realm formed from one of the many voids that comprise the infinite span of existence. This realm was closed off from the rest of existence and became accessible only by the four gates that the lawless one created from segments of his own power. A power that he had acquired from those who now sought to destroy him.
The lawless one had a humble origin. He had merely been a man, a human no more weak and ignorant than Kyle before his awakening in the fire. He too had been called to transcend his humanity and mortality for the good of all, and he too accepted of his own free will. Sadly, he was not fit for the task at hand, and failed. All that was, was left in peril, and this lead the overseers, those who enlightened the lawless one and Kyle, to take drastic measures. As any called to fight for the overseers, the lawless one had bound himself to a contract by accepting their request to fight, and the overseers considered a contract unbreakable. Though he had failed, the lawless one was still bound to serve as a weapon against whatever threatened the overseers' perceptions of the stability of existence. The overseers, now sure that he had no use as a warrior, decided to turn him into a barrier. One that could possibly be required to stand for all time, cut off from the Earth and all other worlds and realms, to hold up against what was then taken to be a threat to all existence.
The lawless one derived much pain from this action, but he held to his contract and willingly sacrificed his existence for the sake of all others. It was in this way that stability returned to all realms, and the overseers' once again became satisfied. With his enemy destroyed, the lawless one believed that he had completed all terms in his contract and expected to return to his former life. However, the overseers informed him that his fate was to be very different. In altering his form by turning him into a barrier, they had completely torn him from his original manifestation of being. His life had been permanently lost, and his only consolation was the right to drift across all planes of existence without restriction, a gift from the overseers. The true nature of the lawless one's sacrifice was not revealed to him before hand, it was the most painful betrayal that he had ever experienced.
The lawless one crumbled under the weight of despair, and felt nothing but the need to lament for a duration that seemingly could not be encompassed by time itself. The man struggled with so much trying to deal with his loss, his sanity was constantly strained and he wondered why this had to happen. He sought for an answer in an unending state of painful thought, and it was only after he had wrung himself through more than most would be able to stand that he determined his course of action. It was during this period that he decided to turn again the overseers. They could not be correct, no force of good would trick someone into destroying himself, and no force of good would sit idly when there was one in as much pain as the forsaken hero who had outlived his usefulness.
The lawless one took himself to be the true upholder of justice, and the prime directive of his campaign was to return himself to his humble existence as a fragile human. The power he had gained as an immortal was not comparable to what he had lost; the companionship of friends and family, of wife and children. It was with astonishing force of will that he subjugated the power of the overseers and reshaped the gifts they had given him to suit his own needs. He became trapped in his own realm, and sealed it with four mighty gates that would destroy any intruder. There, he quietly waited, plotting his war against the overseers.
He proceeded with such cunning, that the overseers themselves were hardly aware of the true nature of his plans. To them, he had merely vanished. The overseers found themselves perplexed, and were angered by this rare feeling which brought with it hints of inferiority and vulnerability. It was only when the lawless one made his first move that the overseers came to fear what he had become. With his power, he attacked the divides between realms, attempting to collapse many into one form. The overseers retaliated fiercely and even discarded their own laws to contain their enemy. They did not seek a willing defender, but instead confronted the lawless one themselves, and with their own strength, fought to a stalemate. From that point on, an unannounced truce, of sorts, took effect. There was no interaction between the two sides, and each side was left to guess at the other's doings. This went on for some time. The truce was broken much later with the lawless one's second attempt to merge Earth's realm with his own, and so the overseers scrambled to find a warrior to fight for them, a warrior bound by a contract accepted freely. Of those who answered the call, Kyle was determined the strongest. The overseers raced to enlist him, while the lawless one was driven to destroy him.