Hiccup yawned as he walked out of his house, scratching his stomach as it stuck slightly out. He had enjoyed a young Berk girl last night, and most of her was digested. She had been a great treat; he could still taste her juices as she exploded on his tongue as she went down. He was quickly joined by his dragon, Toothless, the dark scaley beast who had already digested his meal from last night and was probably hungry for more. As he eyed his rider, friend, and more, the boy just patted him on the nose.
"No eating me before breakfast," he warned his dragon. Toothless loved to eat him, maybe even more than the very willing and eager young girls on Berk who dreamed of being food for the famous Night Fury. Hiccup didn't mind getting eaten sometimes by his buddy, he enjoyed both devouring and being devoured, but if he wasn't careful, he might end up spending a bit too much time in the dragon and end up accidentally being digested. He trusted his friend with his life, but he knew his appetite tended to make him reckless.
Toothless let out a grumble as he was told to wait. He never liked being denied food or sex or sex that became food. He might not be able to talk, but Hiccup understood him well enough. As they moved through Berk, they passed by people and dragons, some of the people with big squirming bellies and a lot of the dragons with those big guts. While some humans could eat people, all dragons could eat people, dragons, or whatever they wanted. Also, their bellies were incredibly soft, squishy, and seeped digestive acid that increased the libido of their food, and a lot of Vikings, travelers, and just general perverts wanted to be dragon chow. As they passed by a sleeping Deadly Nadder, screams of pleasure could be heard from inside his belly. Toothless chuckled; humans were so perverted.
"Nice day today, buddy. Think we should go flying? Maybe catch a few fish to eat since the village is running a bit low on volunteers to eat?" Hiccup suggested, and Toothless nodded his big head. He could go for fish; it would go great with Hiccup later. But, before they could take to the sky, someone jumped Hiccup from behind, snaking their hand around his waist to grab at his crotch. Hiccup panicked for a second before hearing a very lewd sounding and familiar giggle.
"Morning, Ruffnut," Hiccup said as the female of the twin Viking children stroked his crotch through his pants. As she was reaching to get her hand under his waistband, he broke away, stopping her from taking him in the middle of the village. It wouldn't be the first time she had done that. Before Rufffnut could go after him again, Astrid walked up next to her. The strong, gorgeous blonde girl had a big, wobbling belly that poked out from under her armor. Hiccup smiled at her as Toothless looked at her prey-filled belly enviously.
"Morning, Hiccup. Don't mind Ruffnut. We had a duel to see who would eat the baker's wife, and I won. She's pissed off and thinks she can get back at me by banging you while I'm too big to join in because of the meal I'm digesting," Astrid said as she flipped her hair back casually. Hiccup whistled in appreciation over Astrid's great catch. The baker's wife was a fine meal, huge breasts, fat ass. He was happy she had the pleasure of dining on her voluptuous body. Astrid patted her belly before grinning cockily at Hiccup. "She doesn't know that I can easily digest this big meal and screw you silly at the same time."
"Wow, tempting, super tempting, but me and Toothless were planning to catch some fish, so…" Hiccup shyly said as his dragon rolled his eyes. His friend was hopeless, he had this desirable slut waiting for him, and he would rather fish. Toothless wanted them to get it on. It would give him a chance to sneak off and eat the baker's daughter. Astrid couldn't have all the fun.
"Okay, your loss," Astrid said before letting out a belch that briefly let everyone hear her meal moaning within her belly. Then, smacking her lips, Astrid suddenly remembered something. "I ran into your mom earlier; I think she wants to see you about something. Not sure if it's related to the village, dragons, or something more intimate."
"Okay, thanks for telling me," Hiccup sighed, now having another thing to do. It might not be important. He hoped it wasn't. Toothless wasn't the only one getting hungry. Lots had happened on Berk since the Viking people had learned to coexist with the dragons. Their once mortal enemies were now their rides, friends, lovers, or just the ones eating them. Hiccup couldn't be happier, even if his life were a bit too hectic.