“Hey, Anne!” Sprig greeted with a happy wave, only to catch Sasha glaring in warning. “Oh, hey to you too, Sasha,” he nervously added with a forced grin.
Sasha beamed, satisfied as she fiddled with her pouch. “It’s good to be back. Marcy, I got you some nice—Oof!” she grunted as she fell back with a calamitous crash that sent tremors through the ground and frightened nearby birds. Groaning, she looked down at the familiar head of hair nuzzling into her breasts. “Marcy, what gives?”
“A happy accident,” Marcy tittered, still rubbing the blonde’s breasts. “I guess the ground around here is slippery, so I tripped, but you broke my fall with your great big gazongas. Thank you~hoo.”
Rolling her eyes, Sasha gently patted her lover’s head. “There-there, girl. Sheesh, you act like you haven’t seen us in ages.”
“Well, that’s how it feels. I get lonely without you two.”
“Hey, what about me?” Sprig asked. Sitting in Anne’s hand, the human boy had fair skin, like Sasha’s, orange hair, and wore a simple leather loincloth. He had only recently become old enough to grow hair on his crotch. No one knew his exact age, but they guessed he was somewhere just south of his teens, not that exact numbers mattered for their tribe. One was either old enough to have children, or they weren’t. Sprig wasn’t yet, but that didn’t mean he was exempt from fun with the giants.
“Aww, don’t be like that, Sprig,” Marcy sweetly pleaded. “You know I love spending time with you. It’s just, ya know, different with Anne and Sasha.”
“Different, how?” the boy questioned.
“Dude, she means you’re a human,” Anne reminded, playfully poking the small boy’s head.
“So? I thought I was your Chosen,” Sprig argued.
“You are, but you’re still human, just like these guys,” Sasha explained, patting her squirming pouch to confirm it was still tied. “Good, none escaped.”
Marcy finally got up, her bare breasts dangling above Sasha’s as she examined the bag with focused eyes and a watering mouth. “Humans? Oh, that looks like a lot.”
“I’m pretty sure it was some kind of adventuring party,” Anne suggested, offering the makeshift bag of collected gear. “They had a lot more stuff than usual, like they were prepared for something extra dangerous, buuut…”
“It wasn’t enough,” Sprig finished, curiously eyeing Anne’s squirming bag. “Why even bother coming out here? Gear comes from cities, right? It’s supposed to be safe for humans and other small people there, so why leave?”
“Greed, probably,” Sasha huffed as she slipped her fingers into her bag and pulled out a human man. “Adventurers are always looking for some treasure or whatever,” she critically explained, teasingly waving the crying critter before Marcy’s transfixed eyes. Sasha grinned, playfully holding the human just above her friend’s face, ready to drop it into the other giant’s waiting mouth, only to pull back at the last second and chomp the snack herself.
“Hey, that’s mean!” Marcy pouted, her stomach growling to share her complaint as she watched the blonde savor and swallow the snack.
“Aww, you look so cute when you make that face,” Sasha cooed. “Oh, alright. Here, have this guy. He’s got more meat, anyway.” She offered a second, slightly larger human. The snack protested, pleaded, offered empty bargains, blithered about a sob story that was probably a lie, and all the other things boring food did. If he’d said something original, the giants might have listened. However, it would have had to be something truly special, as they were too hungry to care.
On that note, Marcy didn’t let Sasha steal this snack, and hurriedly nommed her friend’s fingers before she could pull away. She moaned at the food’s tangy, earthy flavor, laughing as Sasha retracted her slobber-covered fingers. Marcy continued giggling as she tossed her protesting food around in her mouth, sucking and tasting it from every position until she’d exhausted all flavor. Finally, the giant teen tilted her head back and swallowed with a satisfied exhale.
“Good?” Sasha asked.
Marcy nodded. “Very. Can I have another, please? I’m starving.”
The giant teens grew more playful with their feeding. One time, Sasha sensually rubbed the flailing food along Marcy’s lips before slipping it inside. Another time, Sasha let the food hold onto her finger, dangling the hapless little thing above her friend’s wide mouth and extended tongue until its grip finally gave, dropping with a wet plop before being slurped behind the teeth. And another time, Sasha put the snack’s front half in her mouth, letting the legs impotently kick between her lips as she beckoned Marcy to share a kiss around the little morsel. However, as they played their little games, the others let them be to focus on each other.
“So, what did you do while we were away?” Anne asked, smiling brightly at the boy in her hand. Unlike other humans, the giant seldom looked at Sprig with even a trace of hunger. Such was just one of the advantages of being a Chosen. In her eyes, this boy was a precious friend whose company was to be enjoyed, not a tasty morsel who existed solely to appease her boundless appetite.
“Not too much,” Sprig answered, tuning out the other humans’ plight. “Marcy and I played chess. She won, of course. Then she read a little while I listened. After that, we—”
“Did she put you in her boobies?” Anne cut in with a giddy grin.
“Er… what?”
“Like this, silly.” Anne brought her hand to her cleavage, tilting it to dump Sprig into the meaty crevice. Giggling at the boy’s frantic flails, the giant gripped both breasts and kneaded them, throwing the boy off balance as he fought to avoid sinking. He failed, so Anne squished her boobs around his tiny, fragile body, pulled them open to give the boy a break, and threw her chest upward to launch her Chosen a short distance, only for him to land back in her boob cage, somehow neatly wedged from his toes to his armpits. “Did she read to you while you were in her boobies?”
Blushing as the soft, warm, and sweat-smelling flesh pressed around him, Sprig mumbled something inaudible as his hands rested atop the vast expanse of his beloved friend’s chest pillows.
“Aww, even after everything we’ve done, you’re still so shy. It’s adorable, but it also turns me on a little,” Anne teased. She resumed poking Sprig, sinking her finger between her tits to aim for his loosely concealed crotch. Anne laughed upon finding a bulge. “Hehe. See, you feel the same way. I knew you liked having my big boobs squish you.”
“I… d-don’t hate it,” Sprig reluctantly admitted as he feebly fought to fend off the finger. However, the giant only saw it as a game, and attacked from different angles to mess with him. Honestly, if only she’d leave his groin alone, it’d be pretty fun. Sprig trusted Anne to not hurt him, but it was still bothersome when she started pushing him around like this.
Then, a mighty growl from the giant’s gut interrupted their fun.
“Hehe, I guess I didn’t eat enough at lunch,” Anne apologized. “Do you mind if I have a few of those adventure guys?”
“Uh, n-no, it’s fine,” Sprig allowed, swinging his arms to twist his body within the boobs’ grip to face away from what came next. “J-just keep it down, will ya.”
“Okay, little guy. I will,” Anne agreed, picking out the first tasty morsel. The giant lamented that she couldn’t play with it as she’d prefer as she hurriedly popped it in her mouth. It bothered Sprig when her food made too much noise. Anne could simply put him down while she ate, but that seemed too rude to him. He might be a human, but he was also part of the family, meaning they should help him feel included as much as possible. So, she ate quickly. At least she’d had the foresight to strip off any excess clothes and weapons on the way here, enabling her to suckle and savor her food a little while they were in her mouth. Hopefully, the little treats appreciated that she went to such links for them. Finally, she finished the last of the food, sending it down as nothing but a bulge in her throat into her waiting tummy. “Ah, those were good,” Anne sighed in satisfaction, patting her tummy as the tasty treats ticked her from the inside. It was a pleasant sensation that compelled many giants to eat just before resting so they could enjoy their food squirming while they slept.
“D-do humans really taste that good?” Sprig asked against his better judgment. He’d been told by others to simply avoid the topic if it made him uncomfortable, but his youthful curiosity compelled him.
“Of course, they do. They’re food, after all,” Anne thoughtlessly answered, only to realize her mistake. “Er, not that you’re food, though. I mean, yeah, you’re a human, but you’re not the kind for eating. Although, if you were…” She trailed off, deciding she’d better stop before she made things more awkward. “Oh, it looks like those two are done,” Anne pointed out, happy for the distraction.
Sasha and Marcy each bore contented smiles and licked their lips as they rubbed their bare tummies.
“Anyway, Mar-Mar, you’re the expert in human doodads and whatnot,” Sasha began, holding the makeshift bag of looted items. “Think there’s anything valuable in here?”
“Hmm, only one way to find out,” Marcy declared, excitedly jittering as she carried the bag to a nearby giant table. There, she laid everything out, her expert eye quickly picking out each item according to its potential use as her friends watched. “Okay, let’s see here. The other littles can use the metal as farming and building tools, the clothes are easy to recycle, the potions need testing before anything, and that just leaves the magical items, which go straight to the Sage. All in all, a pretty good haul, girls.”
1 The odd family gets cozy
2 Time to deliver the items to the tribe's other littles
3 Deliver the magical items to the Sage
4 Visit some friends