When Judy Hopps first came to Zootopia, she had great aspirations. Zootopia was a place where anything was possible, animals of all sizes and species came to live in harmony, and a rabbit like her could make a life for herself. She had it all right now and was a (mostly) respected member of the police force, dating a very foxy guy (pun intended), and was making a difference by serving her community. Even now, on her lunch break, she was serving the public and enjoying herself. After all, Judy enjoyed nothing more than being lunch.
Surrounded by dripping, pulsating fleshy walls, Judy pulled her pants down and fingered herself as her surroundings gurgled. As usual, she spent her lunch break inside a hungry predator's belly. Moaning softly, she fingered herself faster as a stew of digested food sloshed around her. Being devoured turned her on so much; how her body was pulled down the gullet and forced into this hot, slimy belly drove her rabbit libido crazy. She wished the animal that had eaten her had found someone else to eat because the only thing that could make this better was if there was someone here to fuck her.
"Judy Hopps, you are a certified gut slut," the bunny cop moaned softly as she came to a sudden orgasm that left her shuddering. She slumped back, still stirring her fingers inside her pussy, the orgasm not making her lust vanish. When she was eaten, nothing could satisfy her completely.
Predator and prey lived together in harmony, even though one still devoured the other, and it was all thanks to the law and order that kept this city running. Prey was designated between either being Productive or Disposable. Productive prey were those in Zootopia with jobs, finances, or at least some kind of important role. These preys kept the city running and were essential to keep order. Disposable prey were those that gave nothing to society and would not be missed. For Productive prey, it was a crime to digest, imprison, or cause permanent harm, which was where Judy and her other officers came in. If you hurt a contributing citizen, the cost was being food yourself. Disposable prey, on the other hand, had no protection. Digest them or even enslave them. Do your worst! It was not considered a crime. Was it a slightly unjust system? For sure, but it kept most of the prey from being victims to hungry predators, making it the best system Zootopia had.
Touching her ear, Judy felt the silver stud with the letter Z engraved on it in her long floppy ear. These studs or similar accessories showed someone was Productive prey. If Judy was harmed, it would be considered a crime. She was, however, now inside someone's belly, slowly being digested because she had offered herself up. Prey could voluntarily be eaten if they asked for it, regardless of their social status. As long as they gave consent, anything could be done to them. Generally speaking, Judy gave her permission to do almost anything.
There were risks, of course, accidents and even predators that thought they could get away with digesting someone. Every time Judy offered herself up as food, she was putting her life on the line. However, that thrill just made it even better. Judy loved being prey; she didn't care too much about who ate her as long as it was fun and everyone came out safe. It was sometimes tempting to take her earing off and just offer herself up as a full meal; plenty of prey did it, surrendering to the urge all prey carried. However, Judy loved life too much to ever go all the way. She was a gut slut, not suicidal.
A light went off inside the stomach beside Judy. She had set her phone to illuminate the darkness when her lunch break was nearly over, and it was finally time. Sighing and wishing she could spend just a bit longer squirming in the stomach, she pulled her pants up and reached over to tap on the stomach walls. "Hey, I need to get back to work. Could you let me out?" she calmly requested.
Judy waited a few seconds before the stomach contracted around her, forcing her upwards. Squeezed from all sides, she slipped up the esophagus, her body trembling a bit in enjoyment as she was roughly forced through the narrow, slick channel. Twisting and turning, Judy saw light bordered by the inside of a saliva-drenched maw, and was then spat out onto the ground. She landed on her hands and knees, showing off her skill by not splatting on the floor while she gasped for fresh air for the first time since her lunch break started. Getting to her feet and dripping with juices, she smiled at the elephant whose stomach had been slowly digesting her and was now wiping the fluids around her mouth. Whoever said elephants were herbivores didn't know how hungry these huge pachyderms got.
"Thank you for letting me out. I hope I was a delicious snack for you," Judy politely told the lumbering beast. The elephant just grumbled something about finding real prey to eat and digest before leaving. Judy sighed at the rudeness. Predators could get so huffy when the prey had rights. The bunny cop was almost annoyed that charitably donating her body wasn't more appreciated. However, being inside that elephant had felt too good to spoil Judy's mood.
Still dripping wet with stomach fluids and saliva, Judy returned to work. It was lucky prey police uniforms were specially designed to not stain when their wearer got eaten, or Judy would be running through her clothes every week. She walked down the street, her destination not too far away. Today she had been given a particular assignment, one that she was looking forward to. Zootopia was opening its doors to even more animals from all over, from places Judy had never even heard of before. She was heading to the train station to meet some of these new arrivals, complete strangers who were new to this world of prey and predator living in harmony.
"Buy my kids! Girls! Boys! Get them while they last!" At the train station, a deer mother stood next to a small group of fawns. The mother had a stud marking her as safe, but the same could not be said for her kids. Dressed in cheap clothes that wouldn't be missed, she observed the children appeared rather fidgety. However, whether this was from fear or excitement to meet their fate was anyone's guess, not that their opinions mattered much. In Zootopia, as long as kids had a parent that was Productive prey, they couldn't be treated as disposable, but there were many ways they could still become dinner. If the parent was Disposable prey, so were the kids. If the parents loaned or sold their kids, or the children were orphans, you could do anything to them. The citizens of Zootopia might have done something to make this fairer for the innocent youths. However, the young were just too tasty.
"I wonder if I should pick up a fawn for Nick tonight," Judy muttered to herself as she passed the deer selling her young. She loved seeing her boyfriend eat someone, although he often preferred catching his food rather than buying it. Nick did have his pride as a predator, after all, and it hurt his ego when she brought home the bacon… or deer, sheep, or whoever else was on sale.
Refocusing on her job, Judy watched the train pull in with excitement. Yep, she couldn't wait to introduce these new animals to the perfect civilization that was Zootopia.