“Aww, don’t be like that,” Anne said as she reached between the giant tree’s enormous, roots, only for something sharp to stab her finger, forcing her to retreat. “Ow! Hey, that hurt!” she snapped at the partially concealed food.
“Having some trouble?” Sasha asked, smirking at her friend. The blonde girl was tall for her age, almost half a head taller than Anne. Her clothing was made of animal skins, featuring a broadly tan background with blotchy brown spots. The top was tight enough to grant the buxom teen some semblance of modesty while showing off enough skin to maintain her fetching allure. By contrast, the bottom was little better than a loin cloth covering her front and butt, barely held together by flimsy string. Repairs were long past due, but Sasha appeared to not have a care in the world as she patted the squirming pouch tied to her waist and her slightly distended yet trim tummy.
Anne glowed at the pouch, resenting it for its fullness. Her clothes were similar in shape, except made from an animal with stripes and darker shades of brown, matching her naturally bronze skin. She had a pouch like Sasha’s. However, hers was frustratingly empty, as was her stomach. “It’s not my fault. They ran into the roots, and they keep poking me every time I try grabbing them.” She indicated the finger where blood had been drawn.
Chuckling, Sasha slipped the last critter she’d caught into her pouch, sealing it shut before approaching her friend. Putting a hand on Anne’s shoulder, she asked, “Are you gonna make me say it?”
“Say what?”
“You know.” Sasha rolled her hand, trying to encourage Anne to think. “Ugh, come on, Anne. That blue, glowy thing,” she reminded, wiggling her fingers as she’d sometimes seen her friend do.
Anne sighed in annoyance, keeping an eye on the hiding critters lest they escape while she was distracted. Sasha would mock her relentlessly for the rest of the day for that. “It’s not that easy. I can’t just call on the magic whenever I want. I’ve got to be in the right, ya know, mood.”
“If this is some trick to get me to share my catch, don’t bother,” Sasha warned, protectively covering her prize. “This food is for people who pull their weight.”
“I pull my weight,” Anne whined. “I caught all those mermaids yesterday.”
“No, Marcy was the one who fell in the river and washed them ashore. You just picked them up.”
Anne fumed, reasoning that she wasn’t likely to convince Sasha. Worse, the noon sun was high while her belly remained empty, so the only chance of having a decent lunch lay hidden beneath those roots. “Ugh, fine!” she relented, returning to her prey’s hiding spot. “Hey, in there. How you guys doing?”
“Stay back, monster!” snapped a weird-sounding man in heavy, gross-looking armor as he waved his sword. “One more step, and I’ll slay you!”
Anne snorted a laugh. “Dude, you’re shorter than my fingers. The best you can do is give me a papercut.”
“I don’t wanna die!” screamed a woman beside the armored man. Her fancy robes implied she was a mage, yet the lack of spells so far suggested she was either too inexperienced or too frightened to think straight. Likely both.
Grinning, Anne moved so the panicking woman could see her. “Hey, you with the red hair. You’re a pretty one. Don’t take this the wrong way, but the cute ones are always extra delicious.” She emphasized by licking her lips.
Going pale with fear, the would-be magician pulled out her wand and aimed it at the terrifying giantess. Before the others could stop her, she cast a fire blast that tore through the roots. Luckily, Anne had anticipated the attack and dodged it in time. The giantess’ grin broadened when she realized her plan had worked as well as she’d hoped. The adventurers had found the only space in the roots suitably sized for their group, as everywhere else was too narrow for them to squeeze through. A few of the skinnier ones tried. However, thanks to the freshly burned hole, the giant teen had ample access to grab them before they could scatter.
“In you go,” Anne said, slipping a human into her pouch. “One more. You, too. Oh, and I can’t forget you.” One by one, Anne gathered her catches, shooting a raspberry at Sasha, who chuckled good-naturedly. Finally, all that was left was the guy in armor. He was still dazed by the magician’s blast, granting Anne the chance to remove his annoying sword. With him still barely conscious, the giantess decided to do herself and her future food a favor by stripping the guy’s armor. Like peeling an orange, her fingernails pried under each plate to pop it off, until only the underclothes remained. Anne preferred her food to be naked, so she stripped those as well, only to discover that it was actually a woman with a manish face. However, that mattered little when her stomach growled.
“Oh, looks like you’re waking up,” Anne noted as the former warrior attempted to form words. “Good timing. I love lively food.” She popped the human into her mouth just as the thing cried out. Anne paid little attention to her food’s words as she sucked on its skin. The woman’s body was admittedly impressive, with very ample assets, giving Anne plenty to play with. She loved poking the human’s naughty spots, slowly turning cries of fear into moans of pleasure. Eventually, the human even started humping her tongue, which Anne rewarded with more aggressive strokes to her food’s drooling sex. Finally, the woman orgasmed, unknowingly adding an extra bit of seasoning to Anne’s meal. Satisfied that her food was as tasty as it could be, the giantess tilted her head back and swallowed, sending the human where all food belonged.
“It’s still weird that you do that,” Sasha remarked as she squatted and poked through the camp’s remains for valuables.
“What’s so weird about giving the food some extra seasoning?” Anne asked and patted her stomach as her food kicked up a storm. Joining her friend, she repurposed a tent into a bag for all the materials they gathered.
“It’s weird that you season them by fucking them,” Sasha stressed.
Anne frowned. “So? That’s what humans are for, right? Sex and food?”
“Not all at once.”
“I’m not doing it all at once. They’re getting some sex while I get some food. It’s a trade… sort of.”
“Fine, you can do what you want, but I still say it’s weird to treat humans that way.”
“What way?”
“You know, like they’re people. And before you say you don’t, what about Sprig,” Sasha countered.
Anne rolled her eyes. “You know Sprig’s different. He’s my Chosen.”
“Excuse me, your Chosen? I think you mean our Chosen,” Sasha corrected. “The Sage gave all three of us directions to the same squirt. Granted, the moment I find a better option, I’m trading up, but until then, he’s just as much mine as he is yours.” At Anne’s triumphant chuckle, Sasha asked, “What’s that look for?”
“So sensitive. It’s almost like you’re concerned about this human as a—”
“Don’t you say it!” Sasha warned, holding a finger in her friend’s face.
“Okay, fine,” Anne acquiesced, yet continued grinning as though she’d won. “Anyway, we’ve got a good haul of food and trinkets. Let’s head back so Marcy can see if any of this is worth keeping.”
With their simple plan agreed upon, the girls returned home to the densest part of the woods. Creatures their size should have been unable to traverse the thick, thorny vines that concealed their glade. However, having grown up there, they’d long learned to navigate the hidden paths and their many obstacles. Besides, the Sage’s magic recognized them, ensuring the most dangerous traps let them pass. The girls headed straight for their designated family hut in the glade, a cozy little thing in a secluded spot by the river. There, they found Marcy naked as she washed their clothes, too enthralled with her task to notice the new arrivals. Nearby, a small human child swam, more mindful than his guardian to stay in the safe shallows while not getting too close to her oblivious ass. Seriously, you can only accidentally sit on someone so many times before they suspect you did so on purpose.
“Honeys, we’re home!” Anne announced.
1 The odd family settles in
2 Switch to a naga (snake people) family also getting cozy after a hunt
3 Switch to a fairy family currently hunting
4 Switch to a human family talking to the mysterious Sage  indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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