"We used to represent a group called the Agency," said Mrs Paul "A long time ago, we found out they were kidnapping kids to use in a child army, special kids, who could do things that most people couldn't even imagine. We wanted no part of their scheme, so we left and traveled to America, hoping as many others did, of finding a new life there, an opportunity to escape the Agency. We settled here, in Waterfront City."
"The Agency wouldn't let us go that easily though," said Mr Paul "It was years later, but they sent a small, five year old boy, brainwashed into their service, to find us and kill us, so that our information about the inner workings of the Agency would not get out, by that time of course, we had settled in Waterfront City and had children of our own to look out for, we couldn't run anymore, there was only one option open to us, we would have to fight."
"I'm sorry," I said "But what does all this do with me?"
"Jon," said Mrs Paul "That little boy was you."
"You had been brainwashed, Jon," said Mr Paul, continuing his story "You didn't know what you were doing, you shot your way into our house, your shots were so accurate that you would have killed both myself and my wife if our children had not had powers of their own. You changed tactics, instead knocking out both our children and taking them out to a waiting jeep. You drove off with our children, we followed. What happened next, we do not know, but you crashed the jeep into a wall, although our children were not hurt, got out of the car, and walked off down the road, we think it may have been a latent power in one of our children, but we are not sure."
"You think one of your children might have wiped my memory of before the crash?" I asked
"It's a possibility," said Mr Paul "It could have been head trauma from injury during the crash, but I don't think it was, I'm sorry Jon, but I don't know who your real family is, but you can stay with us as long as you want."
"Why would you take in someone who tried to kill your family and kidnapped your children?" I asked "From what you told me, I'm a monster."
"That was in the past, Jon," said Mrs Paul "You were not responsible for your actions."