As Misty thanked her and walked down the hall, the Nurse felt something...mischievous stirr in her. She wasn't a bad person, but was known for her playful pranks. A similar such act already taking root in her mind, causing her to develop a tiny, evil smile.
"Stupid Ash and his stupid questions with his stupid hat and stupid...stupidity. Stupid..." Misty muttered angrily to herself as she ate another bite of her ice cream sundae, her head lazed against her free hand.
So what if she had a bit of extra fat on her body? As far as she heard fat was becoming more of the "in" thing anyway! Elesa had started rocking a hell of a plump body and got a 12% boost in her already stupendous popularity and there were also reports of people flocking over to see this one girl who was so fat she was the size of a town! So what if she put on some weight? If anything, she should just grow like a balloon and show Ash what for...
The Nurse Joy from before stumbled over as she walked by, accidentally spilling some water on Misty's ice cream.
"Nah, it's just water. It won't do much." Misty said calmly with a smile, waving it off as she went back to her ice cream. As the Nurse walked away, she smiled as she saw Misty start to eat a bit faster.
"Mmm...oh man, why is this ice cream suddenly so freaking good?" Misty cried as she dug into her sundae. She just kept shoveling mouthfuls of the delicious substance into her mouth. With each bite, however, copious amounts of fat piled onto her body. She grew outwards fast, her top quickly becoming more like a bra then anything meant to be worn as a shirt and her shorts were practically bursting at the sides as they came undone in the front. Her breasts ballooned outwards with fat as her ass in turn bubbled out behind her and her belly cascaded in front of her. Her bulbous form was almost blob like with it's high fat content and Misty barely seemed to care, even as she stood stark naked in the middle of the cafeteria. Then again, it was empty on account of everyone working. Misty's belly shook visibly as her stomach roared aloud. The bulbous redhead placed her thick hands on her belly, her doughy arms squishing against the fat mass as she looked down, her thick second chin, just shy of developing a third, squished down against her round fat breasts.
"Still so hungry...well no one else is here, so no one would mind if I..."
Misty's voice trailed off as she looked at the line of food all available, in spite of hers being the only presence here. With a cheeky grin on her plump face and hands outstretched, Misty dug into the line of foods with her hands, cramming anything and everything into her mouth as ravenously as she could manage, which still didn't feel like enough to her and her monstrous appetite. Misty's stomach roared even as food fell down her esophagus, piled in her belly and almost instantly turned into more fat, which piled onto Misty's bulky body. She started to grow more massive, to a point where it seemed like it should have been impossible for her to even move with her massive belly planted on the floor and her thick, puffy legs like massive tree trunks. But, somehow, Misty could still move, possibly fueled only by her own gluttony. And was she ever as she stuffed more food into her mouth, not even caring as juices, gravies and bits that didn't make it in her mouth fell into her folds and her rolls. Belch upon belch stormed out of her mouth with each time she opened her mouth as she continued to stuff her face and billow out further and further. Her massive belly pressed against the cafeteria line, its growing mass pushing it back as Misty ate and grew, rising closer to the ceiling with her incredible bulk.
"*Ulp!* BBBUUUUUUUURRRRRRPPP!! Augh, why am I still hungry!?" Misty complained as she shook her belly, causing another belch as her now two ton form jostled and wobbled with each movement.
Misty was too hungry too think and too irritated because of it to think of anything but filling up her hungry belly. Which was evident in her eating the furnishings in the cafeteria next! Sure, she could have just eaten all that food piled in her folds, but the girl's hunger made her mind go out there as tables disappeared down her gullet, tables were chewed up and swallowed like candy bars and of course, the food trays and cafeteria food line was all gobbled up. Misty devoured it all, belching the whole way and moaning in bliss as her fat filled belly wobbled.
"OhhwoooowUUUUUURRRRRRRPPP!!! It's like candy Really crunchy hard candy. BBBUUUUURRRRP!!!" Misty moaned as she polished off another piece of aluminum she was holding in her meaty hands.
However, the furnishings were gone as well. And Misty's stomach still growled, the blubbery redhead practically packed inside of the room as her fat spread outwards.
"N-nooo... BBBAAAAUUUUURRRRPPP!!! I need more food!" Misty whined. She knew there had to be more, a stock room or something behind one of those doors. Misty pulled on the metal door closest to her, her thick arms pulling it off like she was peeling tape as she stuffed it down her mouth. Behind it was a massive stock room, filled with all the food this Pokemon Center kept piled high in boxes and packages. Misty felt her drool fall out of her mouth and pool inside of her multitude of chins.
"Jackpot!!" Misty shouted as she greedily charged forth, drool trailing behind from her open mouth as she tried to squeeze her flowing fat through the door.
Instead, she decided to just bust the wall down with her girth, a much more successful tactic, as she waddled through the new "doorway" and instantly got her hands on a box of meat. Not that she cared by this point as her mind became lost to gluttony, leading her to stuff box upon box of food inside her mouth and gulp it down, fat piling on her billowing bulk, her massive fat breasts resting atop her belly as they ballooned outwards, the perky spheres swelling with fat. Misty's ass swelled outwards, sticking out further and further as it began to creepy closer to the "door" and knock down what little of the wall was left, bits of sheeting, drywall and such falling into Misty's flowing back folds. Misty slapped her fat belly as she packed her mouth as full of food as she could, watching it wobble in front of her while it swelled it fat, food and grease flying out was it wobbled. Misty couldn't help but giggle.
"Pah, wonder what Ash would think now!" The massive Misty boasted to no one in particular as she felt her grand, swelling self start to break the ceiling.