The ground beneath Luke's soles was like squishy clay as he walked towards the city. At his height, the world was a great green carpet with little "patches" of city here and there. The largest cities he could see in the distance had some depth to them, with their tiny spires maybe ankle high to him. Suddenly he felt a little "crunch!" under his foot and he halted mid step, keeping his foot planted firmly on the ground. Almost nervously, he lifted the massive stomper off the ground, the earth reluctantly letting go of his foot. Luke had been a big kid for his age standing in at 4'4", letting him wrestle and rough house with kids two years older than him. As a result, his feet had been size 4.5 which amplified to his height were half a mile long!
Examining his foot he found it covered in a healthy layer of brown dirt, provided it could easily be wiped away with a single finger. More interesting to him however was the line of multi-colored dots glued to his foot in two neat little rows. Wanting to get a closer look at this strange pattern, he plopped down on the earth, able to feel the earth quake with a "THUD!" from the relatively benign movement. Squinting at the bottom of his sole Luke could only gasp with amazement as his size truly dawned him, the dots were actually the remains of a small town stuck to his sole. The slight layer of sweat present on the bottom of his foot having glued them to his skin. Another step and the remains of the buildings would have been obliterated completely, lost to the history of the new world that had dawned with Luke's growth. "I can crush entire towns under my feet! That's awesome!", Luke bellowed in excitement.
Creating a minor earthquake, Luke leapt to his feet and began to jog across the countryside, aiming his 2700 foot long tread at any town or village that he could see. At Luke's height each stride could cover a mile and a half and the time it took for him to get from one town to another was measured in seconds. Towns, gas stations, freeways, anything that Luke could see was fair game and he loved the little crunches they made as they were crushed by his massive feet. After 5 minutes of non stop crushing, Luke had wiped out dozens of towns and killed thousands, but his rampage was just getting started.
With another "Crunch!" another town was flattened by one of Luke's steps making him giggle as he felt the buildings flatten beneath him. Suddenly a red truck travelling along one of the many roads caught his eye, and he stepped forward ready to flatten it under his next footfall. But, he found something far more interesting in the corner of his eye. Turning his head, he found himself looking at a bustling city (the one he'd been originally headed towards in fact). Walking towards it, he took extreme care to make his steps as gentle as possible, not wanting to damage anything before he could get a look at it. Then as slowly as he possibly could, he lowered himself down onto the ground so that he could get a close look. Dozens of houses in neat little suburbs were crushed in an instant as his 3 mile long body landed on the fragile earth.
With his face now "inches" from the city, Luke could make out the fine details. Cars, buses, signs, and even people all popped into view and Luke could even recognize a tall black building standing "tall" in the center of the city, he remembered his dad calling it "Willis Tower" or something like that. "Well if I'm supposed to be taking over the earth, I might as well start here!", Luke remarked. Standing back up to his full height, Luke took his first steps into the dense inner city. Most buildings were barely tall enough to see the tops of his massive feet and as a result did little more than add an entertaining crunch to the bottom of his step. Suddenly Luke was giggling (much to the horror of the cities residents) and he picked up his foot only to drop it right in front of his first step breaking into laughter. "That tickles!", he boomed and before the city knew what was happening Luke was crushing everything in sight.
But how much did Luke destroy?