The sunlight shining through the window makes you feel warm, so like a sunflower your thoughts turn towards that option. After finishing breakfast, you put on your only pair of shoes, and begin following Mrs. Thompsons's directions.
A park was understating it, there was a huge field, half of which was covered in flower gardens. So you carelessly walk through the area, purposefully avoiding getting to near to anyone else. That is until you see a nearby bush start shaking. You walk up to it, as two small shapes burst through, giggling and laughing until one of them crashes into you, toppling back into the flowers.
You open your eyes, to see a pile of dirt and squashed flowers.
"Moooooom. Tina hit somebody." A little girl's voice shouts.
You look up to see a young toddler girl standing in front of you. With a shaking of flowers next to you, an identical girl bursts out yelling back. "No Jasmine pushed me."
You sit up and watch as their mother runs around the corner, and over to the group of you, checking that everybody is okay as she gives you a hand and pulls you to your feet. In front of you is a young mother, with long golden hair. She smiles at you with her beautiful face, and soft eyes, as you slowly take in her athletically shaped body, covered by a light white summers dress.
"Oh you have something in your hair." As she reaches for your earring, tugging on your ear. "Oopsie, your earrings looked so pretty that I thought they were real." She giggles to herself.
One of the small girls next to you, Jasmine you think, pulls on your shirt saying "Show me too!" So you bend down, and let her grab it and inspect it, meanwhile the other girl, Tina, grabs the other. While this is happening, the mother once again apoligises and asks that you're okay again.
"No, I'm fine, seriously." You tell her. "But what about your clothes?" She asks.