Jess and Emily whent into the veriety to see the movies that people could rent off the wall there. The two girls climed up the single step, Fat Emily going first and makeing the old boards squeel and creek underneth her goodly heft that had swelled so much over years of steadily eating the huge and tidey meals surved by her doting mother at home, then Jess fallowed after.
The smaler girl got up behind and tossed her arms ahead over Emily's pillow sholderd, covered only with the soft, flimsy chemise she wore with her lush little dress, and she held onto her with her fingers laced together below the bace of the larger girl's downy, little throat and hovering at just over her soft, fleshy chest.
"Are there any movies you had in mind, Emily?", the smaller girl spoke softly in Emily's cozy little ear as the two kids came in through the door like that, Jess palyfuly twideling her thumbs behind her laced together fingers, lightly batting aganst the bigger girl's fat plush cest chest then and again.
"Yes, Jess, I have all my favorit films in mind. I love them and you are going to love them too. We are going to see them all together no matter what.", Emily declaired happily.
"I love you, Emily.", said Jess.
Emily squarmed and giggled while Jess gave her a few pecks on the neck from behind her.
"Fat Emily.", breathed the funny lady behind the store counter.
"Sorry!?", the big kid called back with just a very slight and subtle air of indignty.
"Emily and Jessie -I mean.", said the lady behind the counter corected herself.
The lady was a young one, stuck somewhere beteen a teen girl and a housewife infact, and at the same time like an old woman, a kind, funny sort of old woman, because of the way she talked with cotomers day in and day out. She was a conferemed cheek pincher aswell witch helped that image and Emily and Jess both knew give her a wide berth lest they get there soft, plump little six year old glowing moon faces squeased and tuged by those over zelious pincers.
"Hello.", the two lush little girls said in unison. It was a like a corus, a pratised corus. The young ladys ear raised at the sound and she blinked before it made her smile.
The the two girls giggeled and the big one shook lose from smaller one. She pulled out fat coin purse and and waved it in her hand.
"Look at all the titles on that wall. We are going to need time to deside what we will pick!", she cheered softly. " . . . I might need a snack or two in the mean time too.", she added still softer.
Her eyes sparked as she looked up the wall, but the food in that place soon distracted her and her eyes sparked sill more.
Jessica's mother was stuffing the car with bags of groceries from the grocer's shops right close by.
She had been hungery and so he had tricked herself into buying way way way too much food stuffs. She relized this much too late and now she was thinking about how on earth she was going to keep herself on her diet now with all this food around. She whent to the vender's down the street and picked up a pack of fags and started one, hoping it would mabe surpress her hunger.
Her anxieties about her body needeled her.
"Am I still sexy?", she asked herself in her mind. "I have to keep my girlish good looks; I have to keep waight off. Just eat less, Linda.", she told herelf inside her head and puffed of her second fag now.
Linda left the two little six year old girls to have as mush fun at the veriety as they. Jess and Fat Emily where there for a long while and still had not finnished picking out all the movies they were so deturmednd to rent.
"When we get back to my house the sun i going to be going down.", said Jess. "Come on, Emily.", she added gently.
"It is not that late yet.", Emily said dismissively, biting the seven pound submarine sandwich she she now had. "I am saposed to be seeping over with you anyways." she added, taking a couple swigs from a bottle of bule bubble gum sodapop from the "Pick a Pop" vending machine. She empted the bottle with one more gulp and went to buy another one from the machine. Her innocent yet so greedy, round, little moon face was stained a not unattractive, brillant, bright blue all around her big, pillow soft mouth, she had licorrice candy rope coiled about her shoilders, a sugar candy necklace or two on as well as ten or more bracelet and anklets of the same type too even and she was stuffing popcorn in that big, pillow soft mouthtoo from time to time. Her big submarine sandwich easily atop the upper slope of her very round, very fat stomach.
"Ok, just I little longer . . . but at least help my deside what movies to get and not to get, you were the one who knew what was good after all, right Emily?", Jess said, sill looking at the wall full of movies.
She was holding a bunch of good titles in her arms alredy.
. . . Outide in the street, Linda puffed on a third fag. It too was buning down to just a red lipsstick smeared butt. She chuhed it out and stared back down the street to collect the girls from the veriety and then get home again.
Emily had chocolat covering her mouth and was sitting on the floor ith her back leaned aganst a glass counter filled with vast amounts of coulorful candy coated popcorn when Jessie's mother found them.
It was time to go. Emil insisted on getting more chololate, more pop corn and more soda pop and then they could go.
Linda stared at the huge, happy, bloated kid for a moment thinking. She snaped out of it in a moment.
"Do you still have money, Emily?", she asked, her vioce soft as he spoke to the soft child.
"Yeah, I -I do.", the girl stamered, trying to get herself up and on her feet again.
" . . . You can get as much as you want then.", Linda responded without thinking.
"Oh boy!", Emily shouted. "Then I am going to take the lot.", she cheeed. "Chocolat sailors too! I love chocolat sailors!", she added brethessly upon noticing a shelf full of her favorit chocolat.
. . . The car pulled in to Jessie's house with ten or more fresh garbage bages full of popcoarn up on the roof rack!
Inside the fat little girlfrinds striped off their clothes and pulled open a dresser drawer in Jessie's room.
Emily and Jessie picked out Jessie's PJs and night gowns or shirts and played arount trying different articles of night clothes.
Emily knew what she wanted to ware and that was Jessie's favroit PJs. They a nice set, with a tight long sleve shirt and pants. They were too small for the big girl, in fact they were too small for Jess herself!
Jess and Emily forced them on Emily's body and it stretched them to posh! Emily told Jess 'thanks' and Jess dressed herself in another nice suit of PJs. They were dapper with a button up shirt and a string at the waist of the pants. Jess was chubby enough that the shirt gaped open in the front and pulled the neat buttons dangeriously tight. She could only just fasten the strings on her pants. Jessie's own tummy was so big lately and it was now about just as round as Emily's -jut not that big . . . yet.
Linda was outside the house for a smoke. It was an auful habbit and she did not do it in the house, not even around her kids. She was tryng to quit in fact -to her credit- but she was weak somtimes. She needed to have this that night because she was about to cheat her diet and she thought she was putting on waight.
"All this food around the house! Oh god! All this food! It is going to be imposable for my to stay thin with all this laying around the house. I have to to somthing. I have to get rid OF IT ALL! It needs to go.", she thought to herself in her head.
She puffed on the fag let her eyes fall closed. She was cold, but she was not finnished smoking her fag. The sound of a movie starting up in the living room, brought her mind back to the girls.
She had an idea. She had alredy been overfeeding her Daughter, Jess, hoping that if Jess grew fat, she might always look like the thin one in the family and Jess would eat all the food around the house she that she would have you use power of will for ignore it and stay on her diet. -Stay thin and sexy.
"Emily . . . Fat Emily.", she thought. Emily was certanly someone who ate a lot . . .
. . . So, why not use her? The wheels were turning inside the woman's little mind. She stamped out her little fag on the steping stone and turned back into the kitchen . . .
. . . The girl were full, they were very very full. They were siting in the lifing room and watching the third move of the night. It had been hourers and it was starting to get late.
The two kids were eating the popcorn from the huge black garbage bags as they staired up at the flikering screen. Each girl had five bages of all sorts and they had almot finished a WHOLE BAG eatch, but they were still heavy.
Emily had even more chocolat around her mouth now then she did while they out to the shops; she was inhaling those chocolat saylors she loved so much and had brought home so meany of them.
"These are really good chocolat, Jess, I could let you haave a little bit of a saylor.", she said to her little girlfrind.
"I feel full.", was all that Jess could moan in reply.
A button burst from her nice little shirt and skiped alonge the floor. It even rolled its way all the way the the door way leading to the kitchen.
That was when Linda came in. Linda had a late evening meal for Jess and for Emily! The woman brought everything to them right ware they were.