After trying to choose which road to pick, you decide to start your exploration. You walk towards the right one, looking around to see everything in Mewtwo's stomach. Besides the second hole and the one that is connected to the esophagus and was your entrance to the stomach, there are no more possibilities, so you plan to not to return to the stomach for a while. Then you start opening the entrance to Mewtwo's intestines.
It was tight, but after a while you was able to enter, and got ready to get deeper in Mewtwo's body. All you see at first is a tunnel that, at your actual location, is still pretty big -maybe the roof is a bit lower that in the stomach- and you could see it was going to the left. You start walking, remembering that the small intestine may be pretty long, especially at your current size. The walls moved quite often, and you almost fall once or twice during the first minutes. Then you get used to it and you use the natural movements of the intestines to move faster. You also notice that the while you walk away of the stomach, the roof seems to be lowering and the walls seems to move towards you, but it stops, and you deduce you must have left the duodenum and got into the small intestine, and started walking. There still was enough space to walk, and the roof the of the intestine was still high.
The walls are covered by a strange texture, which reminds you of your location. At first you didn't want to touch it, but after walking several feet in the long tube, you gather enough courage to touch it. The walls feel soft, and you could see every detail of the villi surrounding you, meaning you're quite smaller than you expected. You walk for a long time with your hand on the wall, enjoying how the villi tickled your hand.
After fifteen minutes or maybe more, you calculate that you must have seen more than half of the small intestine. While thinking about it, you trip and your hand goes through the wall and you feel some sort of strong current, like a river. You stop and suspect that your hand seems to be in an artery or something similar, and when you remove your hand and see it has a strong red color you confirm your suspicions. Although you knew that there would be veins and arteries at the other side of the walls of the intestines, you didn't think it would be possible to find a way of getting in Mewtwo's circulatory system. The more you think about it, you realize you could use it as a way to move faster through Mewtwo's body, without having to walk long distances to other places. The only thought of having to walk all the way back to the stomach -something you would have to do sooner or later- makes you feel tired.
You put your hand on the wall to find the artery- or whatever it was- carefully, trying to find in which direction the blood was going. The flow of the blood in the artery seemed to follow the walls of the small intestine back to the stomach, and logically then it would go to other places far from where you are now, always going up until it got to its highest point. In the way you could surely find many places to visit, or even rooms you didn't know could exist inside a Pokemon. Then you go to the opposite wall and try to find a vein or something. You find one and try to feel it. In this one the blood seems to follow the intestine for a bit and then you deduce that it would be the opposite of the flow of the artery, meaning this one would lead even deeper in Mewtwo's body, but far from the intestines, which would help you to find new places too.
You decide to try to get your hand in the vein, and it slips through the wall easily. Then you remove it and note it didn't leave any mark or hurt the small intestine in any way. You think that just walking into the walls would get you in the artery or the vein and you would be ready to let it carry you to other parts of Mewtwo's body. Then you remember where you are and you look as far as you can in the rest of Mewtwo's small intestine. It seems to continue straight for a few feet and then it goes down. You calculate the end of the small intestine is near and that in a few minutes you will be able to finish walking it, and although you know where it is going, you don't seem to care very much about it. After all, there are surprises and new roads everywhere, and you think that the large intestine wouldn't be an exception
So, where would you go?