"Um, I think I'd rather go with the Dragon's Fire Power drink." Drake suddenly beamed with joy at your choice, which was really, really awkward...for you. "Really? Honest and Truly?" Drake said, his hands clasped together. "Uh...yeah?" Drake quick swiped the Tiger Power Up drink from your hand and ran toward the closet again. You could've sworn he was saying something. "Finally! I'll...have another...around here! And they...said that..." You couldn't quite make out the rest of his mumbling. When he returned, he gave you a bottle with a green liquid inside. Well, a green color for a drink is at least more...normal-ish, sort of. You screw off the cap and look at Drake, who was smiling happily at you. You start drinking the contents of the bottle. Surprisingly, it tasted much better than you expected! Most exercise drinks tasted more like fruit water, or something, but this was totally worth at least more than ten times that flavor!
After finishing off the bottle, you set it down on a table at the side. "Okay, now I'm ready to go!" you say eagerly. Drake just wags a finger in front of you. "Sorry, but I think you gotta wait for the drink to digest first." You don't fully understand what he meant by that. Usually, it's okay to exercise even right after drinking something. That's when your skin started itching. You scratch it a bit before the itch comes back, and it's getting a bit more irritated! "Gah! Why am i so itchy all of a sudden!?" You start scratching your back, front, arms, legs, everything! What you don't notice is Drake getting something from the closet again and sitting down on the bleachers on one wall, watching you. As you continue to scratch yourself, you start feeling something harder than skin...You look down at your arms and see scales...Green scales! And it's spreading all over your arm! "Wh-what the!?" You look around and see Drake staring at you. He gives a friendly wave to you before you feel something in your pants. You feel around your back, only to be surprised when a long reptilian tail bursts out of it! Not only that, but the scales have already spread all across your body! Your face grows out a snout, with slits for nostrils, fangs, and even you hair fell off! You felt your back go completely numb, as two stubs pushed out from your shirt. As quickly as they appeared, two green scaly wings ripped through your shirt, folding themselves neatly on your back. As you feel your whole body finally settle to the changes, you look at your clawed hands and your taloned feet. Drake walks over to you with something in his hand. "Well, that was a pleasant change, now wasn't it?" "...What did you do to me?" Drake held out a hand mirror, showing the reflection of a green anthropomorphic dragon. You stare at your reflection, your mouth open in horror. "Well, now I've finally got someone to help me out now!" You grab Drake by the collar of his shirt, something warm building up inside your throat. "Change me back...Now." "Sorry, but I'm not allowed to. And besides, I'm not the one who you should make your enemy." You needed more answers from him, so burning him alive wouldn't do any good. You let him go, anger slightly subsiding now. "Anyway, I bet you're wondering what I meant by 'I'm not allowed to,' aren't you?" You nod as you take a quick glance at the gym doors. No one. "Well, I guess I can explain it to you."
The two of you sit down at the bleachers, with you keeping an eye on him the whole time. "You see, I'm supposed to make sure anyone who enters the gym has to drink something. Otherwise, Wil is gonna punish me for insubordination." "What do you mean? What kind of punishment would he do? And why would he even want you to do this in the first place?" "Sorry, but all I can tell you is that the punishment is extremely painful and, sometimes, even traumatizing." You start imagining a bunch of horrible scenes and pictures in your mind. "Woah, that's just not right." "I know...And he said that if I ever double-cross him, he's gonna serve dragon steak for dinner tonight." Wait a minute, what's he talking about? Wil couldn't have possibly have known that you chose to drink that Dragon's Fire Power stuff, and Drake isn't a dragon...But the way he acted, and the stuff he said...No way, he can't possibly be...
Drake leaned on his knees for a bit, covering his face a little with his arms. "And worse of all, he said that he has no use to a pawn that doesn't follow orders." You see some red scales begin to appear on his arm, starting from the inside of his shirt. "Uh, Drake..." "Yeah?" he looks at you with his scarlet-red eyes. "You said that if you had red scales, then I'm just hallucinating, right?" "Yeah?" "Well, I'm seeing some right now...on your arm." He looks at his arms, and saw the red scales reaching his shoulders. "Gah! ah, I, uh, th-this is...just an allergic reaction! Yeah, I'm actually allergic to, uh, to dust. And these bleachers haven't been cleaned in a while, so, ah, I-I'll be right back!" Drake stood up and left for the same closet. He tripped on the last step of the seats, and fell flat on the floor. "Hey, you okay?" you say, standing up from your seat. "I, I'm fine!" he said, his voice sounding a little bit...rougher.