Rarity’s mouth gaped as she stared at Twilight in disbelief. Rarity had her eat quite a bit during lunch. But, she didn’t think that Twilight would go so much further for dinner. The pizzas from the local pizzeria were quite large. Three of them alone would be as much as all of the burgers from earlier. Rarity was especially shocked by the specific amount of food. She always knew Twilight as a very calculated mare. But, was that really exactly what she could handle right now? If so, than Twilight’s appetite really was secretly always just as monstrous as Pinkie Pie’s, and nopony ever knew. That must also mean that she is experienced as well.
Twilight just smirked at Rarity. “Well. Are we going or what?” Twilight was already out the door.
Rarity shook her head and sputtered. “U-um, T-Twilight...” Rarity followed her outside.
Rarity asked in a hushed tone, “Didn’t you say that you have stayed relatively restricted in your eating habits? How could you possibly know that you can eat all that in one sitting?”
Twilight blushed again and tried to look away. She made sure to whisper in Rarity’s ear. “W-well. Uh, I have cheated a few times....And...when I did, I would go all out. Whenever I got caught by my parents or Celestia, I was punished or forced to burn off the calories....When I first came to Ponyville, it was the first time I didn’t have somepony to keep me in check. I was confident that I could stay in control on my own. A-and, I was.......f-for the most part.....A couple nights in....I binged while Spike was asleep on half of the order that we are about to make...." She started breathing quickly as she hesitated to add, “P-p-pizza is my favorite.”
Rarity just didn’t have anything to say. Twilight Sparkle was filled with surprises today. They both walked for a few minutes until they were in front of the cashier within the pizzeria. He was a lanky, young stallion with brown eyes, a tan coat, and blonde mane.
He looked at Twilight with a smile. The last time she came, which was a while ago, she made a pretty large order for herself. She realized her mistake in saying that it was all for her when it was too late and pleaded that he tell nopony about her visit. She made his boss very happy that night. Most ponies around town couldn’t afford the amount that she bought or just didn’t require so much pizza. She had the same irregular look of gleeful anxiety on her face. He knew what was up. Twilight Sparkle was now well known within the town. However, everypony thought that she wasn’t big on ordering out and eating in general. Even the cashier’s boss didn’t know that she made the order. He put two and two together and figured that Twilight was secretly madly in love with pizza. He understood that she probably restricted herself from it to keep her figure.
“Well, well, well. What can I get for ya, Twilight Sparkle?”, he said in a knowing tone.
Twilight was panicking internally. “Oh no....” *He remembers me. I didn’t even think about what I said to the cashier last time...* She made sure that nopony else other than Rarity was in the restaurant with her. She sighed heavily then said dully, “Hello....um...”
“Customer Service.”
“Is.....that really your name?”
“Yep. Proud of it too.”
“Well, Customer Service, you seem to remember what happened last time I came here. I...I appreciate you not saying anything about it to anypony. Since then, as far as I know, nopony had found out. So, I can only assume that you kept your promise.”
“My lips have been sealed, Twilight Sparkle. So, you plannin’ on havin’ another binge?”
She recoiled at the question with her eyes the size of pinpricks. Her face was scrunched up and cheeks rosy. She looked like she had been caught stealing from somepony’s house. Rarity was snickering, trying her hardest to hold in her violent laughter and keep her composure.
The cashier laughed humbly. “Don’t sweat it, Twilight. We all have our quirks. I’m actually glad to know that you aren’t as plain as most ponies would assume. Now, about your order.”
Twilight was about to say something about his remark on ponies seeing her as plain, but she figured that he meant well. He was right. Everyone has a strange quality or two. Some more than others. And, she and Spike had qualities that went hoof in hoof. It made her realize just how good this decision might turn out. But, enough about that. She had a feast to order.
Twilight regained her composure and smirked at the cashier. “I’ll have ten cheese pizzas and two 2 liter bottles of soda.”
“Coming right up! It’ll take a bit though.” Customer Service turned to go into the back to tell the cooks about the order.
“Oh, that’s fine. I’ve got some business to take care of that may also take a bit.”
Rarity asked, “What ever do you mean, Twilight?”
Twilight just pointed to the restroom, then ran in.