Twilight tapped her hoof impatiently. Why was Rarity so late? Twilight needed somepony to talk to and Rarity really seemed like the best candidate for this situation.
"Your lunch madam," a waiter said as he walked by and placed a baked bean burger in front of her. Twilight gulped and salivated somewhat at the sight. She had ordered it on a whim, she never ate the kind of fattening, greasy, salty, saturated, delicious food. However, after the most recent book she read, she was considering making it a part of her regular diet.
"So sorry I'm late, Twilight," Rarity said as she sat across the table from her. "Let's just say Sweetie was trying to be helpful and leave it at that." Rarity blinked at the bean burger in front of Twilight and noticed Twilight's hungry gaze. She wasn't making any move to eat it, though. "Err, dear? Are you going to eat that?"
"I... I'm not sure."
Rarity looked confused. "You ordered that without knowing whether or not you were going to eat it?"
Twilight looked up. "Well, look at it. There's got to a couple hundred calories or so in this thing. I might gain a few pounds after I eat it."
Rarity giggled at her friend. "Well, I'm not one to judge how fabulous a pony looks... or maybe how 'flabulous.' I don't care that much about looks despite what one might think. However, you must have known what an unhealthy meal you picked when you ordered it. Again; Are you going to eat that? Why aren't you sure?"
Twilight bit her lip and levitated a book out of her saddle pack. "Don't tell anypony about this, alright? This is Spike's diary."
"Scandalous!" Rarity said with a grin. "I didn't think you the type to sneak a peak at other's secrets. What did you find out? Ahem, not that I'm a gossip or anything."
"I didn't do it on purpose, Rarity. Spike's gone to take care of some business in Canterlot and I had to do some cleaning. While I was cleaning Spike's bed, this fell out to... to a page that was hard not to look at." Twilight blushed and allowed Rarity to take the book. The white unicorn opened it and glanced at the first few pages. "About a third of the way through," Twilight. Rarity flipped ahead and her eyes widened. She then giggled.
"Aww, how adorable. His crush on me is almost a front. He'd much rather have you over me. How sweet, he's too shy to say anything."
"There's more," Twilight said.
Rarity skimmed over the next few pages and her cheeks puffed out as she tried to hold in a laugh. "Oh my... Oh my goodness. Is this real?"
Twilight's blush deepened.
"Oh my, he's written fantasies." She turned a page. "Oh my, he's drawn pictures!"
Twilight's face turned red. "Sshhh! Not so loud! You want all of Ponyville to hear?"
"Sorry dear, but this is certainly a discovery. Our own little Spikey Wikey, a chubby chaser."
Twilight blanked somewhat. "There's a name for this?"
Rarity sighed. "You poor sheltered thing. I guess I should be happy you don't know about naughtier things. This is quite tame compared to other... body related fantasies."
Twilight's blush faded. "But this is okay? You're okay with this?"
"Why, Twilight, are you planning to indulge in this?"
Twilight grinned bashfully. "Well, I... I've always liked Spike. Maybe as a brother, but according to 'Lovely Heart's Guide to Colts' Spike fits the requirements for the perfect coltfriend. I just never really considered it until I found this. And I've always tried to be thin so I can at least be presentable to ponies. But if I could eat what I want and still have somepony like Spike, well then..."
"Then eat up," Rarity said as she waved a waiter over. "Excuse me, we need more burgers please."
Twilight burped and rubbed her distended belly. "Did I really just do that?"
Rarity magically stacked the ten or so plates that once held food. "I'm certainly impressed. You might be able to hold your own against Pinkie in an eating contest."
"Ooh," Twilight moaned with a silly grin. It had felt so good to indulge like that. Her thought wondered to some of Spike's writings and she imagined laying in bed while Spike spoon fed her dinner and all the had to do was chew. This seemed like a great idea all of a sudden. "That was great, but I couldn't eat another bite. I'm going to need help If I want to get as big as I can before Spike gets back."
Rarity clapped her hooves. "Surprise him, will you? Excellent. How should we go about this, then?"
Twilight tried to focus a think for a moment.