Tiff, Britney, and Wendy call their boyfriends.
Tom says, "I was thinking about the other timelines. Ones that have lasted long enough until you are 18 we do get married and we are always very happy. I say we just plan on it"
Crystal says, "I remember that one timeline when I almost went over to the dark side, you showed so much love for me. I accept. Do you want to get officially engaged now or wait until my prom?"
Tom says, "The final outcome is set, so it doesn't matter. Let's wait until the lottery win is final."
Crystal says, "Okay, Love."
The boyfriend says, "We were wondering when you would call."
Crystal says, "Let's begin our superhero career. Anyone want to join us?"
Sarah and Justin volunteer to go with you. So the four of you get into costumes, turn invisible, and portal out. Crystal says, "Remember, Sarah and Justin no one but our group knows about our superhero identities." They see cops surrounding a building and decided to investigate. You four go down and turn visible. The cops are started, and say, "Who are you?"
Crystal says, "Don't worry. We are on your side. We discovered that we have magical powers and want to fight crime. If you need help, we are here." You float so that you do have powers.
Sarah says, "We do have powers over people." and she makes one cop float.
Justin says, "We want to help the police, and not replace them."
Tom says, "So what is the situation, here? And what help do you need? Anything?"
The one in charge, Detective Johnson, "The people in that house committed bank robbery. and killed one person. They are in there, but they are armed so we can't rush them."
Tom asks, "Okay, Detective Johnson we can get them out for you with no one harmed. Do we have your permission or do already have a plan?"
Detective Johnson asks, "How do you know my name, I haven't introduced myself yet."
Crystal says, "We know many things. I am the Green Wizardress, this is the Green Wizard, this is Wizzy and Wizzette.
Detective Johnson, "We think there's three of them there.
Tom says, "First we'll magically seal the house, so one escapes until we bring them out to you."
Sarah ports in and Justin immobilizes them before they can fire.
Crystal asks sweetly, "Is there anyone else here. If you lie, we'll get mad." And she magically squeezes their windpipe and they gasp. "I can do it harder if you would like. Do you need to breathe?" Crystal unsqueezes their windpipe.
One of the crooks, "N-n-no one." The others all nod their heads. Another crook says, "D-d-d don't hurt us."
Tom says, "We could, but we won't if you behave. We will turn you over to the police." The wizards remove the magical seal and portals out with the crooks. Tom frees their hands and the cops handcuff them. When they are all handcuffed Tom frees them. He says to the cops, "I assume you can handle them from here and we aren't needed. The house is unsealed so if you need to search for evidence or anything else, is this correct?"
Detective Johnson says, "No, but thank you four for your help"
Crystal says, "We'll be around."
The wizards portal to Tom's room.
Tiff, Britney, and Wendy call their boyfriends.
Tom says, "I was thinking about the other timelines. Ones that have lasted long enough until you are 18 we do get married and we are always very happy. I say we just plan on it"
Crystal says, "I remember that one timeline when I almost went over to the dark side, you showed so much love for me. I accept. Do you want to get officially engaged now or wait until my prom?"
Tom says, "The final outcome is set, so it doesn't matter. Let's wait until the lottery win is final."
Crystal says, "Okay, Love."
The boyfriend says, "We were wondering when you would call."
Crystal says, "Let's beging our superhero career. Anyone want to join us?"
Sarah and Justin volunteer to go with you. So the four of you get into costumes, turn invisible and portal out. Crystal says, "Remember, Sarah and Justin noone but our group now about our superhero identiities." They see cops surrounding a building and decided to investigate. You four go down and turn visible. The cops are started, and say, "Who are you?"
Crystal says, "Don't worry. We are on your side. We discovered that we have magical powers and want to fight crime. If you need help, we are here." You float so that you do have powers.
Sarah says, "We do have powers over people." and she makes one cop float.
Justin says, "We want to help the police, and not replace them."
Tom says, "So what is the situation, here? And what help do you need? Anything?"
The one in charge, Dectective Johnson, "The people in that house commited bank robbery.and killed one person. They are in there. They we are here, but they are armed so we can't rush them."
Tom asks, "Okay, Detective Johnson we can get them out for you with no one harmed. Do we have your permission or do already have a plan?"
Detective Johnson asks, "How do you know my name, I haven't introduced myself yet."
Crystal says, "We know many things. I am the Green Wizardress,this is the Green Wizard, this is Wizzy and Wizzette.
Detective Johnson, "We think there's three of them there.
Tom says, "First we'll magically seal the house, so one escapes until we bring them out to you."
Sarah ports in and Justin immobalizes them before they can fire.
Crystal asks sweetly, "Is there anyone else here. If you lie, we're get mad." And she magically squeezes their windpipe and they gasp. "I can do it harder if you would like. Do you need to breathe?" Crystal unsqueezes their windpipe.
One of the crooks, "N-n-no one." The others all nod their heads. Anonother crook says, "D-d-d don't hurt us."
Tom says, "We could, but we won't. We will turn you over to the police." The wizards remove the magical seal and portals out with the crooks. Tom frees their hands and cops handcuffs them. When they are all handcuffed Tom frees them. He says to the cops, "I assume you can handle them from here and we aren't needed. The house is unsealed so if you need to search for evidence or anything else, is this correct?"
Detective Johnson says, "No, but thank you four for your help"
Crystal says, "We'll be around."
The wizards portal to Tom's room.
The others have already ordered the pizza; They haven't