*an addition by: Gimlet*
After a few seconds you realise she hasn't moved, she's stock still, staring into your eyes.
"M.. miss? I said.."
"I heard." she says softly, interupting you.
Seconds stretch by, her hand still resting ontop of yours on her chest, you feeling the beating of her heart beneath, and it seems to be getting quicker!
"You..." she pauses for several seconds, seemingly getting the courage to continue. "...you really can do that?" she almost squeeks.
Blinking you realise she is finding the thought erotic. She understands your need, AND wants it! There is no way you'll be able to resist this now!
"Yes." you whisper back, and to prove your point by slowly opening your mouth. You don't know how, or even how you know you can, but you just keep widening, further than you ever have before, and soon the woman's wide eyes are staring down your throat, right into your foot wide jaws!
She gulps, peering into you.
"Take me!" she gasps "Now!"
It's the last straw, your will cracks and you grasp her hard, one hand on her side, the other behind her head, but it's obvious she isn't going to resist, infact her hands get busy pulling her open shirt off her and starting to work her business suit pants off.
Inching forward, your mouth still yawning wide before her, you position yourself slightly above her head. Staring down you see her eyes looking up, pleading with you to continue, and you do. You dip your head down, hear a pleasured gasp from her before her entire head squeezes tightly into your mouth. With a slurping noise your lips close around her neck. You should be amazed that you can even do this, but the notion seems childish. Of course you can do it, and more!
Slowly, as she starts to shimmy out of her panties, you work your lips down to her body and begin to slowly widen across her shoulders. It takes quite a little while to stretch, but there is no pain, just tightness, her head wriggling into the back of your throat, filling you in ways you didn't dream possible.
She pushes, jinks up, wanting to get further into you. You see her toss her foot back up in the air behind her, kicking her panties off to land in a head on the other side of the alley, leaving her naked beneath you. It's too tempting to resist and you swallow.
The feeling is incredible! Heavy weight, heaving back, squeezing down into your neck, creaking and groaning that you realise after a moment is your own bones stretching around the woman. Her shoulders shudder as they pile between your lips, her head still wriggling to get further inside you, which another gulp allows, her chin popping in past your collar bones and slicking your lips down across her ample chest.
Gently you take those soft succulant orbs in your hands and squeeze them, feeling her jerk inside you. Inch by inch you feed them into you, pressing the soft flesh in over your lower teeth, the yielding mass gradually consumed. How you've longed for this how... When have you longed for this? Have you ever? Maybe you've dreamed of it and not remembered till now? Whatever you just know you can't live without this experience any more, you must eat another girl sometime. This poor woman will definitely not be your last meal!
With a mighty squelch her breasts slosh into your mouth, pressed tight inside by teeth, cheeks and tongue, you can feel her gasp deep within you at the sensations. Slowly you grasp her around her waist and lift, while gulping HARD!
A shuddering moan escapes from behind your own chest as the woman finds her chest swallowed down, your powerful esophagus massaging them down, gulp, gulp, gulp, rippling her inside you, her skin sliding into yours as you lift her up, her hips now above your lips, her legs bent tight in ecstasy, her hands clamping and unclamping at her sides.
Your hands slide up and gently knead her quivering buttocks. The silky flesh tempts you hard, but you resist, holding her there while you massage her further. Finally you can't hold back any further and take firm hold of her rump and Pull!
"MMMMMMMMMMMMM!" comes from inside you, muffled but still somehow having volume enough to echo out into the morning air.
Suddenly you find your hands by your mouth, lips girdling her hips, slowly inching over her rump. You stare down at it, unable to truely believe you are eating her, yet watching yourself do it all the same. Slowly the plump rear glides under your teeth, indented by their passage and you can feel her juices flowing onto your tongue. It's not hard to give in and help her out.
Your tongue weaves up and into her wetness, issuing another moan from within you, and her legs begin to thrash. You slide the tip of your tongue between the folds of her outer lips, teasing across her sensitive flesh, feeling up till it crosses the tender nub of flesh at the side. Her shudder proves you've found your target and you begin to circle it, tongue tip flexing against her wet skin.
Obviously the trip down your throat so far had her incredibly aroused as she shudders in seconds, before you've really begun. Smiling somehow around her hips you give her a moments peace, then begin again, stroking around gently. The sensual rhythm builds, her hips bucking in your mouth as she builds a second time, this time much quicker, and a second orgasm rips through her.
Unable to resist further you swallow while she shudders, her quivering thighs gliding into your mouth. You watch with rapt attention to every little detail as those legs inch into you, jerking and flexing, but finally relaxing and stretching out straight to help you. Knees, calves and ankles slide in easily and soon you are watching two dainty heels approach your lips.
You manage to halt her progress there for a moment, throat rippling across half bent legs, your chest stretched impossibly across her knees. Staring you fix the image of those little heels before you, the last sight of the woman you'll ever see, then...
They slip from view, and then you feel little wiggling down cross your tongue, then ripple down your throat. The stretch in your chest lessens as she curls up, finally squeezing into a tight ball in your belly. Gasping you clutch the quivering mass, her body quaking from the ordeal. She's yours, finally inside you, taken completely, body and soul.
Looking down you can see your own grotesquely stretched belly, the woman's outlines clear in the taught skin, an arm moving here, leg sliding there, all plain as day to anyone to see.
You've eaten her.
The thought slams into you like lightning. What do you do? Clutching at the bulge you wonder what happens now? Will it be quick? Will it be painless? You hope she won't feel any pain.