Mark lead his friends into the sparse lobby area of the building. There were a few chairs, a fake potted plant, and a teller-like window at the back of the small room. There was a door beside the teller window, which Mark thought lead into the back of the building. He approached the window, and saw a greying, old man seated on the other side of the window. "Uh... my friends and I are here about the job posting."
The old man smiled, "Excellent. Please step through the door." The old man pressed something out of view, and the door beside Mark buzzed. He grabbed the door handle and opened it. Dan and Keith were the first through the door, followed by the other three, Hanna, Sandra, and Alan, and finally Mark, himself. It was a long, dimly lit hallway. The old lights flickered as they continued on.
It then opened into an office area of sorts. There were a few empty desks with computers. After a few moments, the doctor appeared through one of the doors to the group's right, and a large, bald man stepped in behind him. "Thank you for taking the job I posted. I was afraid no one would jump on the chance to be apart of some ground breaking research."
"We are getting paid for this ground breaking research, right?" Alan was the first to ask.
"Yes, yes." The elder man waved him off. "My name is Dr. Forbin, and this is my assistant." He motioned to the tall man beside him, who clearly looked more like a club bouncer than an assistant. "I will need all six of you to partner up and line up behind one of the doors on that side, please." Dr. Forbin pointed to the far, left wall which had three heavy doors in a row.
"Don't we have to sign something..." Sandra questioned, as she swept her blonde hair behind her shoulder. "My sister had to sign some waivers when she volunteered to test some make-up products."
"No need for that. I am sure none of you will sue me once you have been properly reimbursed." Dr. Forbin smiled. "Now, please stand behind the three doors with a partner."
Mark grabbed Alan's shoulder, and they stood behind door number one, Sandra and Hanna lined up behind door number two, and that left Dan and Keith to go behind door number three. There was a familiar buzzing sound, which indicated the doors were unlocked. Mark lead Alan through their chosen door. He noticed from the corner of his eyes that the other pairs were doing the same.
The room Mark was walking into was dark. The only light poured in from the room they just left. He felt the walls for a light switch, but did not find any right away. Just as Alan passed the threshold, the door slammed shut behind him. Mark and his friend were now in a pitch black room.
A moment later, the lights in the room came on all at once, blinding Mark. He rubbed his eyes, trying to let them adjust and took note of the room. It was small, with no tables or chairs. But, there was a large TV screen on the opposite wall. Dr. Forbin's voice came over an intercom, "Please choose." Just as he finished, two words appeared on TV: "Dicephalic" or "Caput Artis"