Between the three of them it didn't take long to locate Veronica out by Saturn. Karena held Mark easily by the hand he had used to try and hit her as they took him to see Veronica.
Meanwhile, back on earth, Pam realized she couldn't witness the punishment she had chosen to inflict.
"Ring, I want to receive twice the power you ever give to anyone else, starting with giving me twice the power of Mark AND of anyone he has so far ogled."
Thus far, the ring had bestowed on Mark ten times the power of Superman - and on Veronica twenty times Superman's power. The triplets had each received twenty times Superman's power when Mark first ogled them, and then received twenty times Superman's power AGAIN when Mark used his X-Ray vision to take a better look. The ring had decided this would count as a second ogling, and thus entitle them to twice his power again. Even now as he was dragged before Veronica and his eyes drank her in once again, a new ogling granted Veronica twenty times Superman's power AGAIN!. So, all told, the ring had bestowed 170 times Superman's power thus far - and so it gave Pam 340 times Superman's power.
She could feel the incredible pulse of energy that flowed through her, energy that felt boundless and infinite, until her senses caught up to her energy and which point she was capable of sensing the threshold of the power. "How much power have you given me?", she asked the ring.
"340 times that of Superman", it responded.
"But Superman's power has fluctuated over time - how much is that really? I need numbers?"
"Well, Mark was unspecific, and when he'd asked for it, the being known as Superman did not exist. So, first, Superman was brought into existence, then Mark was made ten times stronger than the newly minted being. The Superman created was at the peak of his normal power levels, as it was determined Mark would most likely want as much power as possible - so it was based on the Pre-Crisis Superman."
Pam didn't understand what Pre-Crisis Superman meant, so the ring provided her the knowledge of an overview of the DC Comic book continuum. Her mental powers being 340 times that of Superman she was easily able to file all that information and remember every last bit of it. She now had complete knowledge of entire DC Universe history, and with it, knowledge of what power Superman had possessed Pre-Crisis. As Pre-Crisis Superman was capable of lifting a weight of 200 quintillion tons, Pam's lithe muscles were now able to lift over 60 sextillion tons! Her heat vision could probably incinerate entire planets. She could easily find and watch Mark and his four new playmates - or rather, 4 women and their new play thing, Mark.
And as she did a quick once over of her own body she realized that her enhanced physical qualities had also enhanced her beauty. Her body had been given peak human fitness as a side effect of all her new power, and with that she had become as shapely and sexy as she could naturally be with her body type and natural breasts. The latter looked larger because of the way her magnificent body thrust them aloft now.
Pam smiled at this and decided upon a new addition to her game. "Make Veronica aware that it is Mark's ogling that has given herself and her sister's their new powers."
And then, Pam watched.
Back by Saturn, Veronica saw her sister's bringing Mark toward her, felt the rush of power as he looked on her again, and put two and two together from her latest influx of power and the fact that her sister's were now also clearly Superhuman. Knowing that Mark had to ogle a woman to give her power, and knowing that Mark couldn't help but ogle any woman he considered hot, she knew that any sexy woman could gain incredible powers by simply being shown to Mark.
As her sister's brought Mark down into Saturn's turbulent atmosphere towards her - into a medium where their voices could be heard, she made a decision about what to do with Mark.