“Ooh..” Chifuyu moaned, her stomach growling in protest of her heavy meal. “Ugh, why did I eat so much?”
Honestly, she had no idea why she had shown such lack of self-restraint. It was just food; she could never remember getting so out of control over such a mundane thing. It’s not like there was some prize to be won, some completion to prove her pride. She had eaten a meal that could’ve fed an entire family out of her own volition
“Gah… well, I guess this could be considered a first world problem, huh?”
The bloated beauty smirked to herself, making her way carefully over to her room. She was going to definitely stay in her bed for at least the next several hours, potential emergencies be damned.
Once she made it, she immediately collapsed onto the mattress with a heavy sigh. She belched loudly, and sighed in contentment. Her stomach hurt like hell, who cares if it might be considered gross? It helped to ease the pain, and that was all that mattered.
“Man, if I keep on indulging in this type of diet, my figure’ll be ruined completely,” Chifuyu mused to herself. “Then again, that food was delicious. Heh, I guess I can see why *urp* obesity is such a problem now.”
It was then that her thoughts flashed back to that ad she saw earlier. The one with those women saying how they were proud to be fat and loved their bodies, and didn’t care about diets and conventional images of beauty. Now, Chifuyu definitely hadn’t been any sort of fat acceptance advocate in the past: she used to think that if you were fat, it meant you were lazy, and any other reasons were just excuses not to get in shape.
In the present, however, she couldn’t help but have a weird idea pop into her head that had never been there before. What if she got fat? What if she weighed over 200 pounds and never had to worry about dieting ever again? What if she even participated in that stupid plus-size modelling contest? It was an idea that flashed through her mind in an instant, completely unbeckoned, and one that she immediately shook her head at in disgust.
“What the hell is wrong with me tonight? Am I insane?” she asked herself in an exasperated fashion. “I’m so fit and beautiful! Fat is gross, I don’t care what some women say! Like I’ve *urp* said before, it’s just an excuse to be pigs, nothing more. Nnngh… maybe my mind’ll be clearer if I get a bit of *yawn* shuteye…”
With that, she began to uneasily drift off into sleep, that stupid thought lingering around the whole time, until she finally went into blissful slumber.