"I love her more than anything, I really do," Willow told Buffy as they walked between classes, "It's just . . . she's put on so much weight and, I know it's awful and I'm shallow and horrible, but I do find her less attractive. And I know she picks up on it."
Buffy had her own worries, though. She tried listening to her friend's problems, but she just couldn't focus. Like most of their conversations lately it was mostly one-sided.
"That's not shallow, Will," Buffy said as comforting as she could, "It's normal. Doesn't mean you dont' love her. I'd be concerned too if someone I was dating gained a lot of weight. It shows you're worried."
Willow nodded unconvinced.
"Well, that's what I tell myself to make me feel better," Willow said. "But . . . I just don't like how she looks weight the, uh, weight. And I never even thought about stuff like this before. And now every time I look at her I miss how she used to look, and . . . and . . ."
Buffy noted the pause even though she wasn't really paying attention.
"And what? Talk to me."
Willow lowered her voice, shame creeping in.
"And . . . I start worry about my own, um, weight. I'm afraid of getting fat, Buffy. I never even cared about looks before!"
"Lots of things change in college," Buffy said, staring off into space. "Besides, you're super thin, you'll never gain a pound."
"Probably not, but I'm worried that I'm worried about it now. And all this worrying has gotten me worried. And then I'm worried that I'm so worried about my own body that I'm not worried enough about Tara--"
"Will, Will," Buffy put her hands up as Willow was becoming frantic. "Just stop thinking about it so much. It'll work itself out, okay?"
"Okay . . ." Willow said.
"Now, I have to get to this . . . sciency class--"
"Right. I have to get to my science precalculus class. Wish me luck."
"Good luck," Willow said as she left Buffy. She wasn't feeling any better. And Tara still hadn't spoken to her since she left last night.
Tara was thinking just as much about Willow as Willow was about her. She paced her lonely dorm, dressed in some of the few big, frumpy clothes that still fit her. She had gone through all her magic books. Looked up everything she could online. There were many, many solutions to her weight problem.
An illusion spell was out. She wanted to be thin again for real, not just look it.
Hyper-metabolism spells had some drawbacks she'd rather not deal with.
All the other spells required so much preparation. Tara should have known that, though. She was so cautious in her magic use, much more so than Willow. Spells which can change the mind or body are infamous difficult and dangerous to pull off. She knew she would have to be careful. She just wasn't sure she had the strength or know-how to do it.
Her misgivings seemed less and less trivial each time she looked in a mirror, or felt her belly jiggle when she moved, or felt the first, agonizing pangs of her hips in the early stage of waddling.
She went to work through the night while Willow sat by her phone waiting for her to call. Tara was cobbling together numerous spells to produce a spell that had as little cost and the most effect. Once all the preparations are in order, she just had to announce it, and let the magic run its course.
She took one last look at her profile, at her bloated breasts, and her belly which had grown past them. At her giant ass, her hips so wide they were well past her shoulders. And worst of all her round, moon-like face. With a final resolve, she sprinkled some dust onto the complex circle on the floor, the candles at strategic points flaring up and glowing blue as she spoke.