Entering the small shoe shop, you eagerly began to browse all of the cute choices. Occasionally trying a pair or two on, you move up and down the aisles not commiting to anything. YOu don't really have the cash for new shoes, sadly.
Entering one aisle, you see a familiar face resting on a bench. It belonged to a woman named Meredith, one of your neighbors. You had admired Meredith from across the fence for many years. She was the first woman you were physically attracted to, some eight years ago when she was still lingerie model. Now, 31 years old, most would never recognize her. She was recently tipping the scales at roughly 300 pounds and pregnant with her third and fourth children.
Due any day now, Meredith's gravid belly was immense. While mostly round, the thick fat coated her belly, several rolls apparent. Her hips were rather wide and her thighs very thick, allowing her to fill most of the bench oh her own. But what gained your attention was her bust. Busty before her weight gain, even bustier once breaking 250, and now mind boggling busty thanks to pregnancy. Her large, fatty breasts weighed heavily on her belly, filled to the brim and ready to feed her children. The tight maternity blouse was pulled down revealing a hypnotic amount of pale cleavage.
"Hey, Meredith!" you greet her, waddling yourself over to her. She looks and smiles.
"Well if it isn't not-so-little Cathy, the girl who used to watch me tan," the pretty brunette smiled.
"It wouldn't have been so tempting if you hadn't tanned nude," you laughed, noting Meredith's comment on your weight. "And what do you mean used to?" you said with a wink.
Meredith laughed half-heartily, "Why would continue to watch me? I'm such a whale these day. I look like I ate the skinny girl I used to be and then ate the fat girl a became."
"Oh, it's not that bad," you comforted her.
"It is!" Meredith exclaimed. "All the disgusted stares, the way Robert looks at me now, how hard it is to move. It's horrible! I used to model bras and thongs, now I'd be lucky if my husband wants to see me naked. My husband!"
The whole while she spoke tears were forming in her eyes. By the time she was done, she had broken into sobs. You felt bad for her. Despite believing she looked beautiful so round, you couldn't stand seeing her so unhappy.