Angie and Lucy rode the bus, nearly in silence, Lucy tried to engage her friend in some conversation but Angie's mind was on the Dictaphone. She had the power it seemed to alter things. But she had to test in secret first, being so close to Lucy would make her suspicious of what she was doing. Sooner or later Lucy's constant bugging broke Angie's thoughts and the two girls talked their way to school. Once stepping off the bus Angie made and excuse and hurried away from Lucy and the crowd of students. She found a semi secluded spot where she could see others but they couldn't see her. It was really one of her favorite hiding spots in this school, when trouble was brewing. She looked out and saw three girls chatting near their lockers. She pressed the button to record and spoke with almost a giggle.
"The girl on the right has pink hair." Angie heard a pop in the air, and saw a flash around the girls head. Moments later the was looking at the same girl with pink hair growing form her head. Nobody seemed to react, even though they had been looking directly at her. Angie was ecstatic, the device altered the reality and nobody reacted to it, it was almost as if it had always been that way.
Angie quickly realized she had the power to truly make her dreams come true. She started to walk to her locker ignoring other students till she ran into Vanessa Barnes. Her big breasts blocking her view of anything else. She looked up a bit to see she was being looked at directly, she knew Vanessa couldn't resist teasing her, esp as the grin on her face grew wider. She had spent a lot of classes with Vanessa, and it was almost as if no matter how hard she tried to avoid her, she was almost always in some class with her.
"Hey their shorty, admiring my amazing breasts?" Vanessa asked, slightly rubbing her own tits and pushing them closer to Angie. "Why don't you take a good look, this is the most breast you will ever see!" Vanessa then pushed her tits into Angie, pushing her into the wall and kept walking away. The girls behind her laughed, taunted Angie with comments like, flatty, midget, or other remarks as they joined their leader.
Other students in the hall started to laugh at Angie, joining in the teasing, caller her the tiny geek, or titless todler. Angie started to feel the tears filling her eyes as she watched Vanessa turn over her should and give her the most evil grin she could. Angie squeezed her fits tight and stood up, she went to step forward when a guy pulled her pants down, causing her to trip and fall flat on her face. The Dictaphone slide just into her view in front of her face, she snatched it. She decided to cook up a plan, as she did she raised the Dictaphone up and started to record...
"A strange curse was put on this school last night, anyone who teases someone for being short or not as big in the chest starts to shrink from the moment they tease the other person. Over the course of one hour they will become 1/4th their normal height. If the teaser is a girl, they will also become flat chested, if it is a guy, their penis will be no bigger than that of their pinky, whatever their size. The curse was activated by Vanessa teasing me, and is already starting to under go the changes." Angie heard a boom like a cannon, and a flash so bright she had to sheild her eyes. When she opened them she recovered her composure and looked around. She grinned as the guy who just pants her seemed to be loosing his pants slightly.
She grinned and bolted to class. Upon arriving she looked directly at Vanessa. She was distracted that she didn't realize her shirt was so baggy her bra strap was showing. Angie took a seat in view of Vanessa and waited for the show to being.
She watched as the hour long class went on, and Vanessa went from unsure what was happening, to realizing she was getting smaller in her own chair. She was about to get up and leave, but Angie recorded that Vanessa would not be able to leave this classroom till class was over. As class went on, Vanessa struggled more and more, others in the class had noticed by now esp since the other cheer leaders around Vanessa had also started to struggle to remain in their cloths. She recorded that they also wouldn't be able to leave, and watched as the 4 girls slowly became less and less.
Finally the bell range and the girls gathered their clothing and staretd to run from the room. Just mere portions of their orignal bodies. Angie quickly made her way to Vanessa and made it look like and accident as she stepped on her clothes, causing her to fall out and displayed naked in front of everyone.
Everyone started to laugh, and some people even began to poke fun, Angie tried to not laugh or make fun, as she even witnessed some other students starting to become smaller. she went out into the hall, and was greeted by a few random students here and there by tiny naked people scurrying away some crying, others trying to be discrete. She heard comments, and people poking fun all over. The school was starting to become pandemonium.
Lucy came up to Angie laughing, and gave her a big smile. "It is like school of the freaking midgets, look at Vanessa, now she is the Titless Todler hahaha!"
"No Lucy you shouldn't have done that!"
Moments later Angie noticed that Lucy was eyes level with hers...