A firm, callused hand gripped Ashley’s pert breast while a muscular arm wrapped around her trim waist from behind. “I love you, Ash…” Shepard had whispered huskily into Ashley’s ear. It was the first and last time Shepard would tell her that. Mere moments later the Normandy was attacked by a massive unknown alien ship that completely decimated the SR-1, and the Commander was killed getting Joker to an escape pod. The reports claimed that the hero of the Citadel died a painless death, killed instantly when thrown against a wall by an explosion, but Ashley knew the truth. The short range communicators in their helmets were still working, and she could hear the frantic gasps for air, followed by screams as Shepard was being cooked alive by the heat of entering the atmosphere of the planet below.
The memory was too painful, so Ashley forced it down by forcing a cupcake down her mouth. It was made with rich chocolate batter, covered with a raspberry buttercream frosting, and topped with a fresh raspberry: absolutely delectable. With the tasty treat devoured, the soldier balled up the wrapper, then threw it into the trash. Swish, three points. Sighing, Ashley stood up from the table in the small prefab she was staying in while stationed on Horizon, and walked over to the locker where she stored her arms and armor. Unlocking it, Ashley her Phoenix X armor and began to put it on, noticing a new snugness to it as she did. “Damn it; i need to lay of the sweets…” Ashley grumbled to herself, but it wasn’t really just the sweets that caused her figure to softened; t was all the comfort eating making her plump up.
Pretty much the only thing Ashley did in her free time was snack on anything that made her feel better. The trash in the corner of the room filled with the wrappers, bags, and boxes of junk food almost faster than she could stay on top of. Potato chips, candy bars, bonbons, pretzels, and of course cupcakes made up her diet, and who could know what she would be having for lunch. It made Ashley sick to think what would happen if she kept eating like this, but to her, so long as it kept her from thinking about Shepard.