You stared at Julia, thoughtfully, eyes fixed on her, what you had just seen was damn near impossible, something that you thought was the stuff of dreams, of make-believe, yet you had just seen your own flesh and blood try it. You wondered, did it work with both genders, was there some, inherent biological mould that you had to fit in. ERgo that fact that Julia could possess Tina was purely because she was a girl, or more so, her sister.Would it be right?
"Hey Julia you still having the pool party later"
"yes wh..." h=she trailed off knowing just exactly what you meant by that question. There was a moment, a second, where she looked, an inner debate on whether what you wanted to do was right. A ghost guy floating about possessing her friends, your friends, Lucy would be there, so there was chance that it wouldn't be her friends, but there was still that risk. You didn't even know if she was going to let you try it out on her, 'try it out' was ambiguous enough to make you question.
"hmm, I don't know John... On one hand, you shouldn't have that freedom, yet I just did with Tina what I am denying you, it was too exciting to let you go without using it, if I'm nothing else I am fair."
"so what does that mean?" you asked you weren't fully sure, she wasn't speaking in certain terms, philosophical, yes, but with zero clarity.
"Godspeed to you!" she proclaimed, a smile did appear, but it was not one that was warm, much like her words earlier it was not certain, it seemed you both thought that that decision was not meditated on long enough, maybe the excitement of the power. Maybe that acted as a lubricant forcing decisions out faster without enough thought,
But in truth what were you losing, really? Julia was offering you a golden Ticket into any body you wanted, offering a power that really was unlimited.If anything JUlia was losing out, either on using the power, or her body.
"any restrictions?"
"Be nice, people are in relationships. BE NICE., other than that free game."  indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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