You immediately start running again. This startles the shark-like police anthro, and he jitters for a moment. You hope with all your heart that he doesn't know how to shoot that thing. Alas, he takes aim quicker than a sailfish on steroids. He shoots his gun, and what looks to be a bullet comes out. It hits you in the leg, left leg. Good thing you're right dominant! You drop and catch yourself on a car, screaming in pain. Did I just get shot!? You wonder. Looking down at your leg, you are very surprised. There is no bullet hole, but there is a coil attached from the piece to the officer's gun. You yank it out while taking a glance up. The shark is completely stunned. He is just purely in shock that he actually shot someone, and it was reflex! You continue running towards the alleyway where you saw the human with glasses. The shark anthro comes to his senses and starts giving chase, but he's a bit too far now.
Practically limping around, you have gone into a completely new alleyway. There are many bystanders who are now looking around, gasping and whispering to one another with questions along the lines of: 'What was that?' and 'Was that a-'. No one could finish most of these questions. Every time you pass another scared anthro, you can't help but feel like one of them is about to grab you. The alleyway was empty, and the shark anthro is extremely close now.
You're pulled from behind, letting out a shriek, yet muffled. By now with the amount of times your mouth has been covered by different anthros, you practically expected that of all things. You're pulled into a door as it's being shut. Jerking around, you attempt to get out of this suspicious person's grip. Large, furry paws cover your face, and another arm seems to have wrapped around you. As if pulling you in for a hug. A rather violent, unsuspecting hug.
"I've lost --em, --- don't --ow wh--e the hu--n went." a voice says outside. Must've been the shark police officer. Obviously the voice was null, thanks to the closed door. The arms have you in a tight grip, and now your back is shoved against a larger body. You feel a hard vest against your back. Tears are forming in your eyes as you've just been constantly violated and forced around by these larger, animal-like creatures, but you still fight this grip.
"Stop it! We're trying to help you!" The feminine voice whispers, right above your head. You slow your struggles. "You're safe, ok?"
"Yeah, don't worry, she's not gonna hurt us." Another voice adds. This voice was a man's voice. Us? You stop struggling. The grip loosens. You make this your chance and you force your way out of the grip. Spinning around, you can't see anyone. It's completely dark. You catch a reflection on something at your height level.
"Who are you?" You demand, yet in a quiet manner. Someone steps forward, into the light. A human, it's the one with the glasses!
"I'm Neil, Niel D'laundie. This is Agent Howlings." Niel states, gesturing towards the large anthro, who just steps forward and into the light. It was a husky-looking type anthro. She had blue eyes and dark hair.
"Natasha Howlings. That's my full name." She mentions. You sigh, and you take a breather, but it was hard to breath when your leg hurt like someone just put your leg on fire... in fact, it felt like it was being electrocuted, burned, frozen, and on top of that, slightly impaled.
"I'm-- Terra Westfield-" You manage to squeeze out, there is so much pain in your left thigh. "I s-saw you get-- augh!" You shudder. You pull up the left side of your gymnast shorts a bit, as you were in the acrobatics chamber when you were put here. There's a small amount of blood protruding from your thigh. You wince at it, as Niel gasps. You fall backwards a bit, finally hitting the floor. Niel rushes forward to help you. Natascha looks around in her -now more noticeable- vest. "I saw you g-et pulled out of th- the street," You inhale sharply. "So I tried t-- to find you-" You try to finish, but now you feel like you can't get anything more out than audible pain.
"What happened?" Niel asks with anxiousness. He tries to sit you up against a nearby wall. With him this close, you can see his face more clearly. He looks so- great, considering he is the first human you've seen within this whole disastrous situation. Obviously he does not know what to do. Natascha comes closer, kneeling down.
"I think she was shot. But I don't know what it is. Deluma keeps coming out with these new things almost every week... must have been something new." Natascha explains. She looks at you. "What happened?" She repeats Niel's question. She still looks to be at an astonishing height. Probably seven to nine feet tall?
"It looked l- like a taser--" You cry softly. You rub your eyes with your right hand, clenching your left hand in response. Natascha tilts her head like a confused puppy. Niel looks to Natasha as he is about to explain. For some reason, the pain is spreading into your left side, under your arm and around your hips. You can't move your left leg now. And the pain has stopped spreading. You're crying to much to hear what Niel is saying to Natascha. "It f-eels like I'm - burning, stunned-- I can't--" You start to explain, Niel and Natascha turn to look at you. You inhale sharply again. "I can't move my leg--!" You bawl.
"We've got to do someth-" Niel tries to say.
"I know! Just-- wait here with her. If what you said is true, Deluma may have made a twist on this 'taser'. We should not move her until we get a doctor to help. And luckily, our agency have a few people in their back pockets." Natascha cuts in. Niel listened. You feel tired, from both running and being shot. You start to close your eyes, but Niel shakes your shoulder.
"Don't go to sleep! We don't know what Deluma did." Niel starts.
"This place is safe, you stay here with Terra. Niel- I know you are very trustworthy, regardless of just meeting me. So, don't. Leave. This. Building. Got it?" Natascha says to Niel. She now regards that you are too distracted to consciously listen.
"How long are you going to be gone?"
"About a day, over there is some food and water. I hope our anatomies are close enough that it will do." Natascha says, pointing over to a small box in the corner. How'd that get there? She must know this place like the back of her hand.
"Ok. But what if someone tries to get in?" Niel responds.
"The door is locked."
"If they- do, get in though..."
"Here." Natascha finishes. She pulls out a baton looking thing. "This will electrocute anyone you hit, be careful." She hands it to Niel, and he practically uses all his might to hold it up. There is a switch on it, presumably to turn it on.
"I- I just-" Niel tries to say. Obviously he is just as confused and lost as you are in this world. "Thank you, for, well... just helping us."
"Don't worry, I'm here for that." She says in a kind, soft tone. She gets up, and heads to the same door you came in from. our eyes have adjusted to the light but are still fuzzy from your tears of pain. You are shuddering. Belting weakly as you keep trying to stay awake. The door makes a really light flash, and just as fast as it came, it left. The police were gone, so she was able to walk out perfectly. The door locks. Now, it's dark, with one small window too keep in light.
"Niel- please, don't leave me. I can't do anything by myself- I-I-" You ventilate. He looks to you in a sad, yet caring way. He shakes it off, and comforts you.
"Don't worry, what was your name?" Niel asks, obviously he wants to help.
"T- Terra." You get out. Niel sits down beside you.
"Don't worry, Terra. I won't leave you. But I need you to stay awake. Who knows what may happen if you fall asleep... how about this, tell me about yourself?" Niel says shyly. He noticed how tired you looked, and how red your face was from bawling. But now you're a bit calmer. You start to have a headache. You want to fall asleep so badly... but Niel is right. You don't know what would happen if you fell asleep.
"I- I used to be a gymnast." You start. Eventually you tell Niel all about your gymnastics career, and how you still look beautiful with all the hair products you use.
About an hour later, you and Niel have stopped talking. There's really nothing to do. Sitting for such a long time has gotten you very tired... this is your choice. You decide if you fall asleep. It is and will always be your choice to fall asleep or not. So... do you?
Stay awake, you are probably hungry or something.
Try to sleep, Niel has a close eye on you, so you probably won't succeed.