Tonight was the night, Jessica Young's big sleepover with all the girls from your high school. You weren't invited of course, since you are a boy, as are your friends, Mark, Jack and Richard.
"Come on, Chris." Mark said, we have to get closer to the window to see them.
You were hesitant, you wanted to see the girls in various stages of undress, but were wary of the consequences.
"Fine." you said, walking toward them and peeking into the window.
"See anything?" Jack asked.
"Nothing." you said, they aren't in this room.
"Damn. They must be in the living room or something." Richard said.
"Well, let's not stay here too long or someone might think we're trying to rob them." Mark said, walking away from the house. He bumped into a garbage can and the front door opened.
"Who's there?" you heard a female voice call.
"Run!" Jack shouted as they all ran.
You didn't have time to run, and you weren't as fast as them so you saw a trashcan sitting in front of the house and hopped in. It was cramped, dirty and gross, but at least they wouldn't see you.
You sat in the can for what felt like hours but what was probably minutes and climbed out, seeing the house was back to normal. You ran down the block the opposite way, and then strolled past the house, when the door opened when you passed.
"Who goes there?" a female voice asked.
"It's me, Chris. I'm walking home." you said.
"Oh, hey Chris. Sorry, we had a few peeping toms before, I think it was Mark, Jack and Richard." Jessica said, stepping outside.
"Those guys." you laughed. "Anyway, I must be off."
"Okay... Wait, what's that smell?" Jessica asked.
"I tripped and landed in someone's garbage on the last block."
"Oh, well come on in and shower. I'll wash your clothes for you." Jessica said.
You had been good friends in elementary school and you'd been in her house before, and you figured it'd deflect suspicion if you said yes.
"If you insist." you said and walked into the house to see the living room filled with girls you know.
There was Katharine, Zoe, Victoria, Elizabeth, Rebecca and Jennifer, all from your classes.
"Hey, Chris!" Zoe said. "What are you doing here?"
"He fell into some garbage so I'm cleaning him up. His mom would be livid if I let him go home smelling like that." Jessica said.
"Want to join the fun?" Jennifer asked.
"No thanks, I think I'll just shower and run." you said.
"First door on the left." Jessica said as she closed the door.
You walked to the bathroom and stripped, with the door closed of course. You draped a towel around your waist and opened the door, handing your dirty clothes to Jessica.
"Thanks again." you said.
"Don't mention it." she said as you closed the door and prepared to take the shower.