Ranked 27: Casimir Rider
Description: Average height, skinny, short black hair, red eyes, white. Wearing a long-brimmed black hat with black glasses, a red shirt with a black jacket, black pants, black gloves and black boots. Also wearing a golden medallion with a pentagram on it. Also the horse he is riding is pitch black and has red demonic eyes...also it's on fire.
Nationality: ??????????
Weapon: Hell magnums and a rapier.
Special: He is riding on a horse...that is on fire.
Fact: It's a misconception that he burns everything to the ground, it's the horse.
-Dismount, he gets off his horse and that horse attacks you
-overheat, if it seems like the fires are intensifying and if the horse jumps...run or else you get caught in the fire release AOE
-Flamethrower, yes the horse can BREATHE FIRE
-Fire strike, the rapier can be heated/be on fire, adding more pain
-Black-fire, when the fire turns black you know it gets serious.
Story: It's quite unknown of his origins, it's been said he is a spawn from hell itself, it's also been said that he was one of those human weapons the military had created, but there is one thing that is apparent, he always destroys the peace of small towns. Everywhere this man has went, everything has been burned to the ground, or at least people have been burnt to ashes and they were successful at saving the town and drove him back. He is usually always moving and there is only one pattern of which that he moves in, by train track, so all those towns and cities that have a railroad next to them, you better bring a lot of water and a lot of bullets. But then he suddenly stopped and now resides in an abandoned town that has yet to be burned down at all, it's unknown why this happened, but no one is complaining, nor do they even want to attempt to kill him.
Battleground: More likely than not the deserted town.