I came to my senses and realized I was sitting in the same room. I must've just blacked out for a second or two. Suddenly, people started screaming.
"Give me my body back!" Veronica Goodman shouted at Stacey Langley. Other kids were screaming similar things. My heart nearly jumped out of my chest when my own body came up to me, looking angry.
"Care to explain what's going on, Nick?" my body shouted at me.
"Wait..." I muttered. I looked down and realized I was wearing a stylish, low cut top and yoga pants. I saw two large breasts where they definitely shouldn't be.
"Wait a minute! I'm Willow Talbot!" I exclaimed.
"No you're not! I am! Give me my body back!" My body shouted at me. I looked up. "W-Willow's in m-my body?" I didn't feel comfortable with the thought of that AT ALL.
"What did you do?" she shouted.
"Look, Willow, I swear I didn't do anything. I don't know what's going on."
"Class, class, settle down!" Jake Duncan started yelling. "I'm Mr. Frankland, "he said, "I need everyone to quiet down... now, we're not quite sure what's going on, but we'll just wait here until further instruction."
A minute later, a voice that sounded like my best friend Tyler came on the intercom. "This is principal Caldecott. Every student should immediately, in a calm and orderly fashion, report to their first period classroom and sit in their normal seats."
As soon as the intercom clicked off, everything was anything but calm and orderly. People started yelling and screaming, and I decided to leave the room before the halls got out of hand.
"Excuse me? Where exactly do you think you're going?" I turned around to see Willow in my body, standing in a girly pose.
"I'm going to my first period class, and uh, Willow? Could you, uh, not stand like that?"
"I want my body back!" she pouted.
"And I want mine back... look, no offense, but I don't want your body! " I exclaimed.
"Well..." she tried to think of a retort, but the halls starter getting crowded, and I was able to slink away.
I felt Willow's breasts jiggling lightly as I walked. I heard people whispering, "I wonder who was lucky enough to get Willow's body?" I quickly made it to my first period class.
"Nick... is that you?"
I looked to see Principal Barbara Caldecott sitting in Tyler's seat.
"Yeah... Tyler, you're the principal!"
"Yeah, man, you got freaking lucky. Wish I could be Willow."
I sat down, and once the right number of people were there, the teacher, in the body of the nerdy Becky Belfried, took attendance.
"Well, looks like we're all here, "she said, "I'll put up the news."
She turned on the YouTube live feed on the smartboard.
"For those of you just tuning in, the public is starting to call this event 'The Big Swap' said a man on the Tv, "it has seemingly swapped bodies of the world population, and a whopping 95% of the world have found themselves in different bodies. At 10:43 this morning, the strange occurrence started in Belgium and made it's way around the rest of the world, hitting America at 10:45. A single island in the u.s. territories region has reported that not a single swap occurred on the island."
"Also, "said the female anchor, "world governments are frantically racing to find out who everyone has become, in order to get swapped individuals back to their loved ones. It has been confirmed that this is not the action of any known terrorist orginization, and Belgian officials have not realeased any statements of strange sightings or activity within the country. I'm Brent Herkel, bringing you the real news."
"And I'm Kristine Johanson, "said the man, "more details on this story as it emerges."
The class erupted in an uproar.
"Does this mean nobody knows what's going on?" shouted Danielle Collins via Kenny Porter's body.
"Wait... so we might be stuck like this?" said Jared Ethelman in the body of Diane Lunker.
"Children, settle down, settle down!" shouted Mrs. Barkley, "don't jump to conclusions. We just don't have enough information at the moment. Now, world governments are hard at work trying to identify everyone, including your families. Until they find yours, we can't be letting you leave the school."
People started freaking out even more. Some people started crying. All I knew was that I had to ffind my sister Claire.