Flareon had gotten on the bad side of her sisters. She's usually very hungry, leading to her eating the second-most of them all, just behind Eevee. However, her stomach never agrees with her, no matter what she puts in it. After every meal, Flareon would begin to get really gassy, and despite her best efforts, she would release several stink bombs in their den, much to the dismay of everyone else. She tries to help with her flatulence issue by eating less, holding in her gas, etc, but it always ends the same: every room smelling like whatever they had before except it was several months old.
At the current time, the Eeveelutions had their lunch, mixed berries, about an hour ago. Flareon did her best to control herself, but she still ate quite a lot. Right now, she was just sleeping in her room, dreaming about nothing in particular. Suddenly, a painful ache in her belly brought her out of her slumber and drew her attention. She knew this meant that gas was building up inside her, and would soon be demanding a way out. This made her worried, since Espeon approached her that morning after her first gas bomb and told her that if she did this again, they would have to kick her out of the den for the sake of the rest of the sisters. Flareon was very fond of her room, but she knew that if she didn't act quick, her gas would explode out of her and she would be left without a home. She considered her options: 1) Get out the den and far enough to relieve herself without disturbing her sisters, 2) Try to hold it in until it subsides, or 3) Just ingore it and hope for the best. She knew the bathroom wouldn't contain all her gas.
She began to feel the pressure in her bowels and butt grow in intensity, which meant that time was running out. What did she do?