"Hmm.....this one could be interesting." You say to yourself and get up from your chair and head to your bedroom where you have a full body mirror to check yourself out in.
As you walk, you practice saying the spell over and over in your head to make sure you get just right before you say it out loud to cast the spell onto yourself. Even when you get in there, standing in front of your mirror, you're still a bit hesitant to say the spell. Just the thought of saying it wrong and causing something else to happen delayed you, but you pulled yourself together. Breathed in and out a few times before you are sure you had it perfect.
Looking into the mirror at yourself you say out loud the long spell which at first didn't do much at all. Almost nothing for a few minutes which made you worried that you may have said it wrong, but then you get startled by a bright glowing pearl colored ball like thing suddenly appear between your head and body, "ohh....crap, I said it wrong didn't I." You said in a worried tone of voice.
In your panicked state of mind you stumbled back, or at least your body did while your head stayed in place. Levitating in place leaving your amazed that it actually worked and as your body recovered. You wondered how to move your head and thought of moving up. Just like that your head moves up and stops when you think of it, "huh...that seems simple enough."
From there you levitate back down until you can see your levitating head with the glowing ball under your head. Not only is there one below your head, there is also one between your shoulders like its acting as a link between the two detached parts. Turning your head around to look at your headless body, you set the book down on your bed begin walking it around your room from a much different perspective, "this is so cool." You say to yourself as you lay your body down on your bed.
From there you begin to move your bodiless levitating head out of your bedroom, down the hall, moving rather quickly through your house. Flying around your house like a little drone, making tight turns, going under the kitchen table and going up the stairs for what felt like the best time of your life until you begin to wonder what else you can do in this form. Thats when you levitate back downstairs, through the living room and down the hall. Passing your bedroom and right outside through the doggy door where you see your dog minding his own business under a large tree in your yard.
Slowly floating over to him, it takes him a moment to see you there and barks a little, "it's okay buddy. It's me." You say which makes him turn is big furry head side to side trying to figure out what happened to you. Then he gets this familiar big goofy smile on his face and starts licking your face before you levitate upwards out of reach, "see, it's just me buddy."
Leaving him standing there wagging his tail side to side quickly as his tongue hangs out as he pants. From there you tell him, "sit." Which he does, "now stay." You tell him.
"Good boy, now I'm going to try something on you." You say to him before saying the spell out loud again and this time almost immediately, you see the same glowing pearl colored ball appear between his big furry head and his big furry body. Thats when you see his big furry head levitate up to eye level with you and begin licking your face, "okay, stop it buddy." You say to him and he does and moves his big furry head beside yours where you both look down at his big furry body still sitting there. Tail wagging as usual except with a glowing pearl colored ball where his head was.
He whines a bit, so you nudge your head against his to calm him down. As he calms down you then see his body stand up and go about its business as usual while his big furry head levitates over to his dog bowl. Where he eats as his body does it business in his usual spot as you watch on in amazement, "huh, I guess he's a lot smarter than he looks."
You watch your dog for a few more minutes when you decide to see how far you can take your levitating ability. From there your head flies up towards the sky until you can see your new neighborhood from a much different perspective, "good thing I'm not afraid of heights." You say to yourself as you start floating around in the air looking down at all your neighbors grilling out in their backyards, some having birthday parties and other are just sunning themselves by the pool. Watching all these people going about their business, you wonder if you should do the same to them and soon enough you decide to...