author: Northrup
Rick desperately pushes his way through the crowd - he doesn't know what the hell just happened to Rebecca, but he does know that they were fighting just before she became the largest mammal on earth. And if he were wise, he'd get far away.
"RICK!" her voice booms out over the schoolyard. He glances over his shoulder and sees her gaze fall upon him. A small smile plays across her lips as she sees the tiny (to her) man running away from her. Oh, this is going to be too fun.
"Where are you going, Rick?" she asks innocently, as she begins slowly walking toward the fleeing boy. "We were in the middle of a conversation. Don't you know it's rude to walk away from a girl?"
Rick had a decent headstart - or so he thought at first. However, it's hard to stay ahead of someone whose legs are four times the length of your entire body. Rebecca picks her way carefully toward the parking lot, taking care not to trample any of her classmates, but enjoying the fleeing throng. This is fun!
Rick desperately pulls his keys from his pocket and sprints toward his car. If he could just get inside, he might be able to escape this.
WHOMP! Rick rebounds off of a gigantic white tennis shoe and lands on his ass. "Where you going, Rick?" Rebecca asks mockingly. My God - she looks even bigger from here! Rick scrambles to his feet and tries to take in his colossal girlfriend. She towers over him in her long skirt, hands on her hips and a barely stifled grin playing across her face. "You weren't... LEAVING, were you? Because I've got some things to say. And I think you'd better listen."
"Okay, okay, Bex, just take it easy," Rick begins. Even standing up, he barely reaches halfway to her knees. His knees are shaking as he looks straight up. "Let's just talk about this, okay Sweetheart?"
"No, Rick," Rebecca smiles down. "I don't want to waste my time with SMALL talk. You've got this coming to you - BIG time." She laughs and raises her foot.
"NOOOOO!" the pathetic figure at her feet cries and promptly wets himself. Her foot comes crashing down, shaking the entire school and crushing - crushing Rick's car into a crumbled mass.
"Ew!" Becky says, laughing and looking down on her now ex-boyfriend. "You just totally peed in your pants! That's SO not cool!"
Still chuckling to herself, Rebecca starts to turn away from her ex and his ex-car when a small group of students at the edge of the parking lot caught her eye. It's the Varsity Cheer squad, of which she is a member. They are staring up at her, a little nervously but obviously concerned. They push one of their number to the front of the group.
"Um, Bex?" Roberta said, tentatively. The Head Cheerleader, she is always the one of the group to take charge. "Are you... okay? I mean, you're huge!"
The giant girl smiles down at her friends and bends over just a little to hear them better. "I'm great! This is awesome! I mean, look at me! I don't know what happened - but I don't care!"
Now the group of eight little cheerleaders loosen up a bit, knowing that their friend isn't about to run amok all over town. Carrie, the smallest of the girls at 4'11" looks up at Rebecca and says, "Oh wow, Becky - that's so cool. I wish I could get bigger - I'm so sick of being so tiny!"
Hmmm... you think. Now that's an idea! An entire squad of fifty foot cheerleaders, but there are a lot of prying eyes around now. Someone might see you shoot them. On the other hand, it might just be worth it.