Annoyed, the Absol rolled from his sprawled-out position onto his distended belly, squishing the cushion-like mass under his weight with a loud groan. The Skitty jumped at the noise, but then quickly went back to poking at the flab that rolled out from underneath the white cat. It was evident that this thing wasn't going to leave him alone. Oh well, a fluffy little ass-snack did sound good right about now. But with his body as immobile as it was, he was going to have to find some way to lure it back there.
The Skitty slowed down a bit, seeming disappointed at the lack of reaction from the side of the Absol's stomach. Perfect. The Absol thumped his tail against the ground, immediately catching the pink cat's attention. It pounced towards this new toy, and the Absol responded by flipping his tail to lay on the opposite side of his body. The Skitty chased the tail back and forth, completely oblivious to the Absol's intent. It didn't even seem to notice how close it was to the big cat's rear. This was too easy. How do these things ever survive long enough to reproduce?
A bit more 'playing' and the Absol managed to lure the Skitty directly under his waiting rump. He quickly sat up, and a small 'meep' could be heard as the Skitty was pinned under his rear. He smiled as he wiggled back and forth, lodging the small cat between his furred asscheeks. The Skitty struggled as best as it could, but the larger cat's weight was more than enough to keep it pinned. As the Absol felt the pressure against his pucker, he pushed himself down, letting out a moan as his ass stretched around this new intrusion. His ring spread over the Skitty's head, quickly burying the small cat in his hungry bowels.
The Absol glanced behind him, noticing that the Skitty's tail was flailing about humorously from underneath his rump. His muscles pulsed, and the tail was sucked in closer as the bulk of the Skitty's body entered his rear. At this point he stood up and let his ass do the rest of the work. The Skitty's tail was the only thing left outside of his pucker, and pulse after pulse it was slowly dragged inside. The dark ring closed around the tip of the tail, sealing the Skitty in forever. The Absol sighed and returned to his resting position as the wriggling bulge was pushed up his intestines. The poor little cat had been no match for his powerful ass. He almost felt sorry for the thing, but it should have known better than to disturb him in his sleep. It had seemed very interested in his belly, after all, and now it would become acquainted on a much deeper level.
The Absol fell back into a blissful rest, letting his stomach melt down what remained of his trainer, as well as the Skitty which was forced inside before long. It put up a brief fight before it succumbed to the Absol's innards, soon to be made into another layer of fat for his belly.
After a long nap, the Absol awoke with a yawn. He rose to his feet, and after a brief self-inspection noticed that the majority of his meals had gone towards fattening up his ass and thighs, as was only fair. His belly was also a bit thicker, and had returned to its normal firmness after dealing with all of the meat within. He took a short walk outside to relieve himself, and re-entered the tent feeling at least twenty pounds lighter. He stretched lazily, glancing around at the things his trainer had left behind. It was a good run, but he had no regrets- if she was happy being Absol fat, he was more than happy to oblige her.
The mountain lion's gaze stopped on a cluster of small red-and-white spheres- his trainer's Poke balls. Two of them were cracked open, meaning that she'd let one of her other Pokemon out at some point during the night. He briefly wondered where they might have gone to, but then his thoughts turned to the four which were left undisturbed. With his trainer... indisposed, they would be doomed to sit in captivity until someone stumbled across them. He wouldn't wish that fate on anyone, but as he reached to open one of the balls, another thought crossed his mind. Perhaps these Pokemon could contribute to his newfound predatory lifestyle? If he swallowed the balls as they were, the churning of his stomach would break the seal, releasing the Pokemon directly into his steamy gut. That was more than a little bit cruel, but the thought attracted him nonetheless. He wouldn't be able to tell which of his trainer's Pokemon he would be eating... he might get Lapras. Something that large, he would never be able to ingest normally, but he bet his stomach could handle it. He might never get the chance to stuff himself that full again...