As was said above, there are different types of faeries, each more marvelous than the next. Or, at least, that's how they view themselves anyway. So we have four fairy lasses whose story we can follow:
Danish Blossom: Danish Blossom's people might have been one of those that Shakespeare had written about in his Midsummer play. Normally, they go about at six inches tall, though they can assume human size when they wish. They like to play small tricks from time to time on human folk, but mostly they like the Big People, as they call humans. They're very magical, but it is possible to capture one of Danish Blossom's people, if you make the right preparations and keep your wits about you. But get just one thing wrong, and you will soon seriously regret having made the attempt. It's better to appeal to their appetites for sweets and their vanity, if you want them to do something.
In a number of ways, the faerie people to whom Danish Blossom belonged to mirrored that of human society. And, except for their gossamer wings (which they could make appear and disappear at will) and the fact they stood only six inches high, they very much resembled human beings, save they were more lovely to gaze upon. Their society has peasants to grow things, artisans to build things, traders to trade things, and nobles to rule things. All of them clothed themselves, though what they clothed themselves in depended on where they stood in society. Peasants, for instance, clothed themselves in plant parts, though they might use actual cloth for special occasions. Nobles, on the other hand, always wore at least cloth, regardless of the menial task at hand. And as far as special occasions were concerned, they wore clothes magically woven from rainbows and moonbeams and dewdrops and other such things.
Danish herself is from a minor noble family, that had recently elevated themselves up from the traders' class. So it was a point of honor with them that their daughter never wore anything but cloth, and that her dresses were the most glamorous at any ball.
And as a warning to the reader, if you were to capture one of Danish's people, it would be best to make it one of the nobles. As a point of honor, a nobleman or noblewoman who found themselves caught will try to get out of it by themselves. But if you were to capture a poor peasant fairy lass, you'd have her whole clan to contend with. Or as the saying goes, a fairy in the hand means ten in the bush.
Yelp -- although human mages who conduct the taxonomy of magical creatures would classify Yelp's people as fairies, her own kind would fight to your death against being classified as such. For one thing, Yelp's people aren't bright and light. They're not dark, by any means. They're just sort of...not dirty, but earthy. Yelp dresses like most of her kind with a brown tunic, brown pants, brown boots, brown socks, brown're getting the picture, I trust?
Yelp stands about six inches tall, has no wings, can't fly, but can jump in such a way that you think she's flying. She has brown hair, brown eyes and light olive skin. She can talk to animals and convince most of them to do her bidding, save foxes or cats. Foxes have learned a long time ago, however, not to cross Yelp and her kind, and give them a wide berth. Cats usually do as well, though once in a while they try to see if they can get the upper hand. They never do.
Yelp's people can appear and disappear at will, and have other tricks. For the most part, they like people, but mostly if they can watch them from afar. They do love butter, though, and a good butter cookie with a little milk is heaven on earth to them
Diagalilly -- Diagalilly's people are six inches tall and have skins that come in many colors, from those seen on the skins of other beings, to bright oranges, deep blues and such. Their hair and wings (which appear as butterfly wings, and which they can make appear and disappear at will) are always colors that complement their skin color. They are curious about humans, but only from a distance. Very little is known about them or their 'powers', as it has been discovered to be very dangerous indeed to try to capture one. The great mage Doratimus once recorded four hundred years ago that when his colleague Jusexumus managed to capture one of Diagalilly's people, "It was as if the whole world moved as one and turned against him. He found himself assaulted by both the natural world and the magical one until, out of desperation, he released the captured fairy and begged forgiveness."
Hera Dawnfollower -- Scholars debate whether it is proper to classify Hera's people as fairies or not. Although they stand six inches tall and have wings (which they can make appear and disappear at will), their wings resemble those of birds, rather than insects.. Indeed, Hera's people are not thought to have very many innate powers, like most fairies do. They are, however, considered more clever than the gnomes. Much more clever. Hera's people are known to come from beyond Nuderia, though where exactly they come from, and how they travel to Nuderia, no one exactly knows. In some ways it's easier to capture one of Hera's people than other fairies. If you do, however, you should know, that as far as Hera's people are concerned, there are no rules in recapturing one of their own. And make no mistake, Hera's people are deadly. They are fast and nimble and carry rapiers on their belt that, for all their small size, wield strange powers and are thus quite deadly. In addition, they carry other objects on their belt and about their person which most would prefer never to have demonstrated on them.
Hera's people have been traveling to and from Nuderia for at least three hundred years now, and have established enclaves in a handful of coastal cities. They are renowned for the jewelry they offer, though here is the thing. They rarely, if ever, want to trade for material objects. They might pass up a trade for several bars of gold, for instance, but accept a painting. But they especially like a good song or story. A song they find praiseworthy might be reward with a human sized ruby ring, for instance, that is so finally crafted it would be worth to embrace a queen's finger.
The stranger who thinks about abducting a member of Hera's race should remember that the cities in which their enclaves exist will not appreciate someone trying to steal the goose that lays the golden egg.
As far as dress is concerned, the men and women of Hera's people dress alike. Sturdy trousers and jackets made of some unknown material, shirts of a single bright color, sturdy boots, and a belt with the previously mentioned rapier and other objects on it. Objects that only respond to the touch of one of Hera's people.
So which six inch lass shall we follow?