Struggling to look even slightly to her right, the titanic Thai managed to scope out Hannah Hammond approaching her with great interest. The smaller, significantly more svelte woman was hurrying over with the speed of a woman not only focused on pleasing an important client, but greeting an old friend.
“Hannah!” Arisa huffed, her chins wobbling with the effort it took to speak, “I haven’t seen you at all today!”
Part of the reason why Arisa was staying at the Hammond was that the current manager, Hannah Hammond, was an old schoolmate of hers from back in her Buttercombe days. Which, granted, weren’t that long ago, but still. She had always been a bit older than Arisa, and had graduated by the time she was a sophomore. But that hadn’t stopped her from leaving quite the impression on the young, shy Thai girl that would eventually blossom into one of the most lucrative heiresses in the country. Even without knowing who she was at first, Hannah had been ready to treat Arisa like a real friend. Getting things for her, helping her with her homework, never judging her for her constant overeating or making her get up and actually do things for herself. Hannah practically spent her Senior year waiting on Arisa’s hands and feet--and that service had carried over into how she ran her hotel.
She’d been here for two weeks on Summer Vacation, and not once had she seen a frown on any of the employees assigned to ensure that her time in Daven’s Port was exemplary. Or, for that matter, a bill.
But that was handled by Boonliang-Corp’s expense account stuff anyway, right? No need to worry!
“Oh I hope you’re enjoying your stay, Ris!” Hannah gushed, wrapping as much of Arisa as she could reach in a warm friendly embrace (oh she was so fond of hugs!), “It’s been so long since I’ve seen you. You’re all grown up!”
“You say that every time you see me.” Arisa chuckled deeply, her belly quivering while Hannah held onto it tighly, “You’re not that much older than me.”
Hannah smiled and gave Arisa’s belly a hearty pat. The two of them had been thick as theives when they were enrolled together. It was nice to know that, despite graduating, Arisa still had some friends to turn to. She hadn’t heard from Marissa, Anna, Cerys, or Paris since she’d left the Academy for the last time. Having Hannah around made her feel like she had a real friend that was looking out for her.
Suddenly her stomach growled. Her caramel colored corpulence hung down far over her crotch, down to her knees as it burbled for sustenance. Arisa had been living it up on the Boonliang Expense Account dime for the better part of a month now, and she hadn’t been exactly shy about spoiling her appetite. It seemed like every other hour Hannah had this thing to try or that thing to sample. After nearly a month of a semi-constant state of fullness, Arisa wasn’t exactly prone to delayed gratification.
But at the same time...
“Hey Hannah?” Arisa asked, Hannah darting her eyes from the big brown ball of blubber that was Arisa’s multiply-tiered tummy
“Hm?” Hannah sounded curtly, “Yeah?”
“I was thinking...” Arisa bit her bottom lip contemplatively, “What are some good places to eat around here? I’m feelin’ kinda hungry...”
“Oh! Well our cafe has many highly nutritious, highly filling examples of...”
“No, like... you know, I’ve been cooped up in your hotel for a month!” Arisa whined, “What are some good local places?”
“Well...” Hannah began calmly...