Chapter #5Taken Prisoner by: Unknown There was a huge pyroar… and she was sprinting straight at you! You froze up like a deer in headlights as she came barrelling towards you, bracing for your inevitable death. To your surprise, however, she just… passed by? You watched the lioness disappeared into the forest once again, not paying you any credence as she passed. Just as relief began to fill you, you heard the stomping of multiple pyroars following after her, kicking up dirt. You watched in awe as an entire pack split around you. They seemed to be hunting, but none of them have taken any interest in you -- not yet, anyway.
“Absol! Three o’clock! On him!” The apparent leader of the hunt shouted, as she, too, just passed you by. Their huge paws threw up dirt as the pack stampeded around you, awing you with their speed and size. Even the smallest of the Pyroars seemed to be almost twice your height, each sporting a big, round, smooth belly which jostled and swung beneath them as they ran. At first, you assumed they were all just pregnant… until you realized every single one of these lionesses had whole Pokemon in their stomachs! All in varying stages of digestion, too; some of their bellies were smaller and still, their prey longed passed, but others’ bellies were still big and bulging visibly as the Pokemon inside struggled futilely against the onslaught of acid. Either way, it didn’t seem to slow them down a bit. Before you even had time to process what you were seeing, one of the pyroars was upon you.
In an instant, you were given a mouthful of dirt as the pyroar at the back of the pack pounced on you, her huge paw pressing your face into the ground. “Got ya!” She laughed cruelly. The other lionesses left her behind, as they continued sprinting through the wilderness, relentless in their hunt for prey. She could easily handle you all on her own, after all; there was nothing you could do to resist as she picked you up by the scruff of your neck, before sprinting back the way she came. You winced and shivered in pain as the lioness’s teeth dug at the soft skin at the back of your neck, forcing you to go limp or risk accidentally breaking your own neck. She certainly knew what she was doing.
She didn’t spare you any comfort on the ‘ride’, didn’t offer you a moment’s consideration. She didn’t even bother to tease you. She seemed to act with almost mechanical efficiency, as if she’s done this hundreds of times before. She ducked and weaved through the forest with incredible ease, carrying you at speeds you’ve never experienced before. It would almost be pleasant, if you weren’t busy considering your inevitable fate. This lioness was one of the ones with a big, full stomach, paw prints making bulges in her furry belly as Arceus-knows what squirms around inside. Was that going to be your fate?
You didn’t seem to have any choice in the matter, now. Before you knew it, the pyroar had returned to the place that seemed to be her home. Adobe huts and strange tarp structures were scattered around a grassy valley; six huts in total, actually, presumably one for each of the lionesses. You hoped she'd let you go right here, but instead, she wandered over to the entrance to a dark, cramped little cave in an alcove a nearby rocky cliff.
“H-hey… let’s be reasonable about this, now,” you whimper as you were plunged into darkness, hearing only the sound of the pyroar’s paws stomping against the cave floor as she walked you deeper into that abyss. “I-if you just let me go, I’ll do whatever you want. I swear. No need to-” Before you could finish your sentence, you were suddenly bathed in light once again. They had set up some sort of prison at the end of the cavern! The chamber was all lit by torches, and filled with large, rusty cages that looked like they had been built by humans long ago. “Whoa.” You said, glancing around the huge, subterranean room. There were about half a dozen Pokemon in various cages already, most curled up, looking weak and miserable. Content, the lioness starts trotting over to one of the empty cages. “Hey! No, no, no! Don’t put me in-”
Once again, you were interrupted, as the lioness swung you by the neck and tossed you, headfirst, into the cold iron kennel. She turned around, kicking it shut with one of her hind legs, the door’s hatch sliding locked automatically. You immediately pressed yourself against the bars, trying to break free. No use -- you were trapped. “See you later, runt!” She padded happily away, her sylphlike body beautifully illuminated by the fires for a few moments, before your captor finally disappeared into the darkness once again.
You trotted around your cage, nervous and dejected, wondering exactly what they had planned for you, here. None of the Pokemon in the other cells seemed to want to talk to you, either, simply ignoring your pleas for answers. Over the next few hours, other lionesses stepped into the chamber intermittently, holding other squirming Pokemon in their maws and locking them up in cages. The freshly-arrived prisoners seemed just as distressed and confused as you were, and unfortunately, you could offer them no answers. After about five hours total, all six lionesses had brought in a Pokemon, ending the day with about a dozen prisoners total. This seemed to be the point that they decided their work was done, and every single one of them crowded into the chamber, celebrating another successful hunt.
One of the pyroars stepped forth to address the prisoners. She was a shiny, it seemed, with beautiful golden, silk-like fur along her perfect boy. From the way the others revered her, she seemed to be the de facto leader of the band. “I’m sure you’re wondering why you’re here,” she said, strutting around the cages, taunting the Pokemon within. You couldn’t help stare at her pudgy rear as she passed you by, imagining the hundreds of Pokemon who must’ve been sacrificed to build her toned, voluptuous body. “Well, your initial suspicions were probably correct. For the next few days, you will all serve us… eventually, as our food.”
“My apologies for the confusion. You see, over the years, we’ve fine-tuned the art of the hunt to the point that we’ve amassed quite a backlog,” she leaned back, showing off her furry, bulging belly. You shuddered as you saw the desperate face of the Pokemon within bulging against her skin for a moment. “Have no fear. You, too, will eventually get to become a part of one of us… but you’ll have to wait your turn.” The rest of the lionesses were similar alluring. Under the light of the torches, you got a better look at them. They definitely weren’t fat, but considering their diet, they were a lot more ‘curvy’ than they otherwise would be, considering their impressive and constant athleticism. You’d consider them quite attractive, to be honest, if it wasn’t for their round, swinging bellies.
The other freshly-captured prisoners cried out or shivered as she made her announcements. She offered them no solace, continuing to taunt them through their tears. “Most of you will have a few days before the… time comes,” she said, trotting around in circles throughout the chamber. “Hopefully, you will have made peace with your fate by then.” She turned to face a particularly defiant-looking leafeon locked in one of the other cages. “In the meantime, know that if you disobey us, there will be… consequences,” she threatened him, before turning to you. Your heart skips a beat as you stare into her beautiful golden eyes. She smiles at your enthusiasm. “But if you please us, we will make your stay as comfortable as we can.” She walked back towards the entrance, nodding to the other lionesses as she slipped into the darkness. “Alright, girls. Do as you will.”
The rest of the pyroars stepped forward eagerly, ready to ‘meet’ the new prisoner. Looks like introductions were in order...  | Members who added to this interactive story also contributed to these: |